Yan Ying was a famous national phase of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. He is frugal and humble, and he doesn't care about meat or clothing. He is resourceful, decisive, concise and approachable in handling state affairs. He is knowledgeable, eloquent, good at keeping pace with the times and conforming to the trend of the times. He succeeded in history, Zhuang and three dynasties, making Qi the hero and becoming a famous vassal. He should be regarded as the real thing. Yan Zi is the minister of Zhuang Gong. At first, I often advised him, and his suggestions were often adopted by Zhuang Gong. Every time he went to court, Zhuang Gong gave him titles and increased fiefs. Soon, Zhuang Gong disliked Yan Ying, and Yan Zi's suggestion was not adopted by Zhuang Gong. Every time Yan Zi went to court, he returned the fief and title to Zhuang Gong. When the title and fief were taken back, Yan Zi also took back, got into the carriage, sighed deeply, and then smiled again.
Yan Zi's servant was puzzled and asked, "Why did the doctor sigh, sigh after laughing and repeat?" Yan Zi said, "I sigh. It is inevitable that I grieve for my king; I'm laughing because I'm glad I benefited. I can avoid death. "
Later, Zhuang Gong was dissolute and shameless, and had an affair with Cui Yao, the minister's wife. Cui Yao killed Zhuang Gong in his own house. Yan Zi heard this and stood outside Cui Xuan's house. His servant asked, "Is the doctor going to die for the king?" Yan Ying said, "Am I the only king? Why should I die! " The servant asked again, "Is the doctor trying to escape?" Yan Zi said, "Is it my sin? Why should I run away? " The servant asked again, "Is the doctor going home?" Yan Zi said, "My king is dead. How can I go home? People who govern the people can't just be above the people, but should be based on the great cause of the country: being a king's minister can't just eat, but serve the country. Therefore, if the monarch dies for his country, the courtiers should die for him; The monarch fled for his country, and the servant should also flee for him; If the monarch dies for his own private affairs and is not his favorite confidant, who can die and flee for the monarch? Besides, someone killed him because he hated his king. Why should I die for this? Why should I run away for it? How can I go home? " At that time, Zhuang Gong's body was still at Cui Yao's house, and Yan Ying asked to see it. Cui Yao's door opened and Yan Zi came in. Cui Yao said, "Why don't you die?" Yan Ying replied, "I wasn't there when the disaster happened. When the disaster ended, I didn't know. Why should I die? In addition, I also heard that people who regard following the death of the monarch as a noble act cannot save the monarch; If a person dies with the monarch as a nobleman, then his career is impossible to succeed. Do I want to hang myself and follow the monarch, just like the private servant of the monarch? "
With that, Yan Zi showed his left arm, wrapped his head in a mourning cloth, sat down, put Zhuang Gong's head on his leg and began to cry. After crying, Yan Ying got up, jumped three times, and then walked out of Cui Yao's house. People thought that Cui Yao would definitely kill Yingying, but Cui Yao said that Yan Zi was a respected person. If he is released, he will win the hearts and minds of the people. Yan Ying is not dead.
Qi Jinggong has been in power for many years. In his early years, he wanted to return to hegemony. He became depressed after being frustrated. He leads a dissolute life and his internal affairs are corrupt. One time. He asked Yan Zi, "You often go to the market. Do you know what is expensive and what is cheap? " Yanzi replied: "expensive but cheap." Forever is a fake foot or shoe used by people whose feet have been cut off. At that time, Qi Jinggong abused punishment and often imposed punishment, which was used to persuade Qi Jinggong.
Once, Gong Jing asked Yan Zi, "What are you worried about governing the country?" Yan Zi replied: "The most worrying thing about governing the country is the' social mouse'." Gong Jing asked, "Why do you say that?" Yan Zi replied: "Society is a place where the land gods are worshipped. It is tied with wood to make an inner frame, which is covered with mud. The mouse took the opportunity to live in it. If you want to get rid of them, it will be very troublesome. Smoking rats is afraid of burning the wood inside, and filling them with water is afraid of damaging the coating. Such a mouse can't be killed just because of the earth temple. The country also has this kind of thing, and the minister close to the king is such a' social mouse'. They confuse the audience at home, deceive the monarch, throw their weight around and bully the people. If we don't get rid of them, the laws and regulations of the country will be in a mess. If you want to get rid of them, they will be protected by the king and regarded as cronies. Such a person is the country's' social mouse'. "
Yan Ying added: "I heard that there was a wine seller who wiped his wine container very clean. The wine in the hotel is very high and eye-catching, but when it is sour, no one will buy it. He asked his neighbor why, and the neighbor told him,' Your dog is too fierce. Guests come into the house with wine bottles to buy wine, and evil dogs pounce on them and bite everyone away, so no one will buy your wine when it is sour. "The country also has such a bad dog, that is, a villain who is in power next to the king. Some noble and learned people want to serve the monarch, so these little people rush to' bite' them and speak ill of them. This is a vicious dog in China. The closest minister to the king is a "social rat", and the villain in power is a "bad dog". How can the king not be banned and deceived and how can the country not be worried? Yan Ying is good at remonstrating, and once pointed out Qi Jinggong's mistakes three times in one day. This is the famous "three remonstrances a day" in China history.
On one occasion, Qi Jinggong went to Kung Fu by boat. He looked north at Qi and sighed, "Alas! What would it be like if the ancients lived forever? " Yan Zi said: "I heard that in the past, God thought that human death was a good thing, a permanent rest for the just and a permanent sanction for the heartless. If people in ancient times had not died, Qi Huangong, Qi Huangong, Qi Huangong and Duke Wen of Qi were still ruling the State of Qi, and Qi Huangong, Qi Xianggong and Duke Wen of Qi would have assisted them. Your majesty, I'm afraid you'll have to bend over and work in the fields with a hat, a short coat and farm tools. How can you have such leisure to worry about death? " Gong Jing thinks YanYing is too stupid to talk. He was very angry and his face changed.
Generally speaking, people who have a good first impression are often not good people, and people who have a bad first impression are often not bad people. Why? Because good people are not good at camouflage, bad people are good at camouflage! Similarly, people who are good at making suggestions are often annoying, while people who are good at flattery are always pleasant, but the former is good and the latter is bad. In fact, if you master the above basic principles, it is not difficult to make friends. Yan Zi always blamed Gong Jing, so that "three times a day", Qi survived, precisely because Gong Jing did not abolish Yan Zi. In reality, if we can understand the relationship between "knowledge" and "communication", success is not a distant thing.
Soon after, Liang Qiu came galloping in a six-horse-drawn car. Gong Jing asked, "Who is here?" Yan Zi said: "This is based on Liang Qiu." Gong Jing asked, "You didn't see anyone. How do you know? " Yan Ying said: "On a hot day, a horse gallops, which is serious enough to kill or light enough to hurt. If it is not Liang Qiu, who dares to do this? " ! Because Liang Qiu is favored by Qi Jinggong, Qi Jinggong won't blame him for doing anything. Gong Jing said, "Liang Qiu and I are the most tacit and harmonious. "Yanzi said;" This can only be said to be the same, not called harmony. The so-called harmony, should be sweet with acid, light with salt, complement each other, perfect. According to Liang Qiu, you are sweet-talking, flattery and tactfulness. How can it be called harmony? "Gong Jing think he is deliberately looking for trouble, his face changed with anger.
Soon, it was getting late. Seeing a comet in the western sky, Duke Jing of Jin asked Minister Bochang to pray for eliminating the disaster caused by the comet. Yan Zi said, "No, this is a signal from heaven. Changes of clouds and gases around the sun and moon, abnormal wind and rain, the appearance of comets, etc. It is God who sees that the world will change, taking it as an ominous sign, warning irreverent people and reminding people. If the king revitalizes culture and education, accepts exhortation and widely practices moral politics, even if no one prays, the comet will disappear automatically. But now you drink and have fun, don't engage in politics, get close to villains, love actresses, hate rites and music, and exclude sages. How can you have time to deal with comets? Even if you can get rid of this comet through prayer, there will be new comets. " This time, Gong Jing was speechless and his face was livid.
Later, Yan Zi passed away. After hearing the news, Gong Jing walked out of the palace, turned his back and said with tears, "Alas! At first, my husband and I traveled together, and my husband accused me of my fault three times a day. Who will persuade me now! "
Although Qi Jinggong has many unforgivable shortcomings, he has one advantage that the kings of later generations can rarely catch up with, that is, no matter what drastic way Yan Ying takes to remonstrate with him, he can basically accept it, at least without killing Yan Ying's head. It seems that the rule of virtue in traditional society is sometimes not without its merits.
On one occasion, Qi Jinggong drank the wine all day and was out of his mind. It took him three days to get up. Yan Zi was very worried, so he went to see Gong Jing and asked, "Did your majesty get sick because he drank too much?" Gong Jing said shyly, "Yes." Yan Zi said, "The ancients drank until they felt comfortable. Therefore, men can't get in the way of doing business because of group fun, nor can women get in the way of doing things because of group fun. According to the ancient custom, men and women should take turns toasting at the party, only toasting five times, and they will be punished if they exceed it. To be a king, of course, you should set an example for the people, so that no one outside is dissatisfied with national politics, and no one inside dares to run amok. Now, you drink wine for one day and stay in bed for three days. Outside, you complain about the governance of the country, while the near ministers around you take the opportunity to run amok at home. By doing so, you will encourage those who rely on the legal system for self-discipline and self-prevention; For those who want to be rewarded and praised and encourage themselves, it will induce them to be too lazy to do good deeds. In this way, if the king deviates from virtue and the people despise rewards and punishments, they will lose the foundation of the country. Therefore, I hope that the king must give up drinking. "
On another occasion, Lu, a craftsman, was asked to make shoes for him. Shoelaces are made of gold, inlaid with silver and decorated with jewels. The shoe hole is made of fine jade. The shoes are one foot long and very beautiful.
On the first day of the tenth lunar month, Gong Jing wore these shoes to the court. When Yan Zi entered North Korea, Gong Jing wanted to get up to meet him. Because the shoes are too heavy, he can only lift his feet, but he can't move. He asked Yan Zi, "Is it very cold?" Yan Zi said, "How can your Majesty ask whether the weather is warm or cold? Ancient saints made clothes, paying attention to wearing them lightly in winter and cool in summer. Now, your shoes will feel very cold in cold weather, and the weight is beyond the tolerance of ordinary people, which is not in line with common sense of life. It really is too much of you. Therefore, the craftsmen of Lu did not understand the degree and severity of cold and heat, which destroyed people's normal habits. This is his first crime; He made the monarch laugh at the prince, which was his second sin; Waste of property is ineffective, causing people's antipathy to the king, which is his third crime. Please order your majesty to arrest him and hand him over to an official for sentence. "
After listening to his words, Gong Jing felt very reasonable, but he had some sympathy for the craftsman, so he begged Yan Zi to let the man go. Yan Ying disagreed and said, "Those who do good deeds should be rewarded, and those who do bad deeds should be punished." Hearing this, Gong Jing knew that he couldn't change Ying's mind, so he stopped talking.
Out of the court, ordered the arrest of Lu craftsmen, and sent people to escort them out of the country, and he was not allowed to come to Qi again.
From then on, Gong Jing took off those shoes and never dared to wear them again.
Gong Jing is a very playful person. He built a big pool called Xiqu. The water in the pond is deep. A tall house was built by the pond, with dragons and snakes carved on the beams and birds and beasts carved on the pillars, which was very luxurious. Gong Jing, dressed in a colorful coat, white embroidered robe, white skirt, Yu Pei, hat and loose hair, stood there facing south with an air of cockiness. When Yan Zi came to see Gong Jing, Gong Jing asked, "Do you know what it was like when Guan Zhong assisted Huan Gong to dominate?" Yan Zi looked up and made no answer. Gong Jing asked again: "What was it like when Guan Zhong dominated?" Yan Zi said, "I heard that only people who are proficient in water can associate with dragons and snakes. Now you carve dragons and snakes on the crossbar and birds and beasts on the pillars just to build a house. How can you manage overlord's business? You show off the beauty of your room. Showing off the beauty of clothes, dressed in colorful clothes, with jade balls wrapped around her waist and long hair fluttering, only one room can be accommodated. You are the king of a country. The king of the people, on the other hand, is not doing his proper job and is committed to crooked ways. The king's soul has long since disappeared. What else can he use to plot the overlord's business? "
Hearing his words, Gong Jing felt very ashamed, so he came to Yanzi's side and said shyly, "Liang Qiu told me that the house was repaired, so I put on this suit privately. Actually, I want to play a joke on Liang Qiu and invite my husband over. How about I go to another room and change this suit and listen to your teacher's advice? " Yan Ying said, "Liang Qiu used money and money to confuse the king and make him do something evil and boring. How can the king know the truth? " Moreover, if logging does not take root, the regenerated branches will grow back. Why didn't the king get rid of them so that you wouldn't be confused by them in the future? "
On one occasion, Gong Jing wore a huge hat and a robe, and his appearance was grotesque. He listened to politics in court, stood proudly in court and looked at ministers with a domineering face. It was late, and he didn't leave the court.
Yan Zi stepped forward and said to Gong Jing, "The saint's clothes are made moderately, not too luxurious. In this way, his image can be used as an example to guide and influence the people. His behavior conforms to morality and etiquette, which is beneficial to health, and people are scrambling to learn from his behavior and appearance. Now your clothes are too extravagant to guide the people; Standing on the court with your head held high is not good for your health; It's getting late, and I don't know it's not polite. You'd better rest in peace as soon as possible! " Gong Jing said, "I accept your suggestion." Then he announced his departure from the DPRK, took off his coat and hat and never wore them again. Gong Jing's favorite concubine, the baby, died. Gong Jing stayed beside the body for three days, without eating or drinking. His skin was on the mat, and he didn't want to leave. People around him advised him, but Gong Jing wouldn't listen.
When Yan Zi learned about it, he came to see Gong Jing and reported, "There was an alchemist and a doctor. They both said,' I heard that the baby died of illness and wanted to treat her. "'Gong Jing' is happy as soon as you listen. He immediately got up and asked Yan Zi, "Can the baby's illness really be cured?" Yan Zi said: "As far as their medical skills are concerned, they are very smart. Let them try! Please take a bath and change clothes so that they can ask ghosts and gods for help. "
After Gong Jing left, Yan Zi put the baby's body in the coffin. After everything was completed, he went to Gong Jing to report: "The doctor still can't cure the child's illness. Now that she has been buried, I dare not report to you. " Gong Jing was furious after hearing this, and said, "Sir, under the guise of the doctor's words, he ordered me not to watch it, and he didn't let me know when I was going to die. As a monarch, I only exist in name only! " Yan Zi said, "Don't you know that the dead can't be resurrected? I heard that a king acts correctly and his subjects follow him. This is called Shun. When a king acts strangely and his subjects follow him, it is called rebellion. Now the king doesn't follow the principle of things, but does some circuitous things. Those who do evil will be close to you, while those who can correct your mistakes will be alienated from you. Only those who are good at flattery and gossiping can get in touch with you, while good ministers and talents are excluded, slanders are everywhere around them, and evil things keep happening at home. In the past, Qi Huangong dominated vassals because of its reuse of Guan Zhong, but declined because of trivial matters. Now the king despises the sage, but he is so sad for the death of a concubine. Ancient holy kings also considered their own affairs, but they often came to an abrupt end and did not affect the overall behavior. They buried the dead, but they were not too sad. If you go too far, you will get yourself into trouble. If you can't suppress your feelings, you will hurt your health. Too much sadness will damage your nature. These are all things that the holy king must avoid. Now that the baby is buried, it will no longer disturb the living, the arrangement of coffin clothes, the life of the living, the sadness and the health of the living. Now the body is rotting and not buried. It is the fault of the king to disturb the living, damage his own behavior, and excessively damage his own nature without suppressing his feelings. Therefore, princes and guests are ashamed to come to China, and ministers are ashamed to keep their posts. If you respect your behavior, you can't guide the people correctly. You can't protect your country if you follow your desires. I also heard that it is an insult to the dead and to the living that the dead can't be buried because of the decay of the body. These practices violate the nature of a good king and will be spurned by the people. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible. " Gong Jing said, "I don't know these reasons. Please handle this matter according to your husband's words! " Yan Zi added: "The officials of a country, big or small, and the guests of the prince's neighbors are all outside. Your majesty should refrain from mourning. "
Knowing this, Confucius commented: "A brilliant star is not as good as a dim moon, so it is better to abandon great events. The shortcomings of a noble man are stronger than the advantages of a villain. This is what people like Yan Ying say! "
Qi Jinggong's favorite Liang Qiu died, so Gong Jing called Yan Zi to tell him about it. Gong Jing said, "Liang Qiu is loyal and loves me. I intend to give him a grand funeral and build a tall grave for him. " Yan Zi said, "I take the liberty to ask, can Liang Qiu let us hear his loyalty and love for the king?" Gong Jing said: "I have something I like to enjoy, but the official in charge failed to prepare it for me, so Liang Qiu will try his best to provide it for me, so I know his loyalty;" Whenever I look for him in the rain or dusk, he will definitely say hello to me, so I know that he loves me. " Yan Zi said, "After listening to your words, I will offend you if I answer. If I don't answer, I won't do my duty as a courtier. How dare I not answer? It is said that it is disloyal for a minister to focus only on the monarch; It is unfilial for a son to treat his parents like this; It is called jealousy that a wife treats her husband like this. The principles that should be followed in serving the king are: to persuade the monarch to be close to his father and brother, to be polite, to be kind to the people and to be loyal to him, which is loyalty; The morality of being a son is: loving brothers and even parents and elders, being kind to the next generation, and being sincere and trustworthy to friends, which is filial piety; A wife should have a moral quality: it is not jealousy to let all concubines be liked by her husband. Now, the people of the whole country are your subjects, and only Liang Qiu tries his best to love you according to his own ideas. So why are there so few people who love you? The wealth of the whole country belongs to you, and only Liang Qiu uses his private wealth for your enjoyment to show his loyalty. So why are there so few loyal people? Isn't Liang Qiu blocking your audio and video? "
After listening to his words, Qi Jinggong felt very reasonable and said to Yan Ying with great emotion, "If it weren't for you, I didn't know that things had reached this point?" I gave up my original idea and practiced politics. As a result, Qi became a powerful country.
On one occasion, Gong Jing and Yan Zi stood leisurely by the Zi River to see the scenery. Duke Jing of Jin suddenly sighed deeply and said with great emotion, "Alas, how happy it is to keep the country for a long time and pass it on to future generations!" Yan Zi replied: "I heard that a wise monarch is unwilling to win the support of others for no reason, and the people will not join him for no reason." It's been a long time since the king did nothing right, acted unfairly, turned his back on the people and acted perversely, but he wanted to keep this country for a long time. Is it possible? It is said that those who can keep the country for a long time are those who can do things to the end. Governors stand side by side, and they can be good people from beginning to end and respect their elders; The same is true of learning. Scholars study together, and those who can finish it from beginning to end are teachers. At that time, the late Duke Huan began to appoint talents to guide the implementation of moral education, so that the dying country could survive, the dying country could be revived and the dying country could be stabilized. Therefore, the people support him and the whole world respects his achievements. He led an expedition against tyranny. Although the soldier and the people worked hard, it didn't hurt his perfection. Huan Gong declined because he relaxed his moral cultivation and pursued pleasure. He is infatuated with women and listens to gossip. The people suffered greatly because of his rule, and the whole world condemned his behavior. Died in the palace without reporting, the body rotted, maggots bred, and no one collected the body. At this time, his fate is even more tragic than that of a tyrant. The Book of Songs says:' Everything has a beginning and an end, but there are few happy endings.' He who can't finish what he started can't be a good monarch. Nowadays, the king regards the people as enemies, sees good deeds, and avoids them as quickly as he is afraid of getting burned, disturbing the country and hurting the sages, which is bound to be opposed by the people. Do whatever you want to the people, slaughter officials, and I'm afraid disaster will befall you sooner or later. I am too old to be at the mercy of the king. If the king can't change his behavior, then I will resign, just to keep my integrity. "
It has been sixteen years since Yan Zi died. One day, Duke Jing of Jin invited ministers to drink and have fun together. At the dinner table, he got up on impulse to shoot catkins, missed the target, missed it, but the cheers in the class seemed to come from a person's mouth. Gong Jing suddenly looked very unhappy. He sighed and threw away his bow and arrow.
At this moment, Zhang Xianzhong greeted him, and Gong Jing said to him emotionally, "Zhang Xianzhong! I haven't heard anyone say I was wrong since Yanzi died. " Zhang Xianzhong replied, "Now, ministers are flattering you. They wear clothes that the king likes to wear; They eat the food that the king likes, just like transparent inchworms. When you eat yellow things, your body turns yellow, and when you eat green things, your body turns green. " Gong Jing gratefully said to him, "You're right, I can't listen to flattery." Give Xian Zhang fifty carts of fish.
Offering a chapter out of the palace, I saw the fish delivery car blocking the way. Xian Zhang touched the driver's hand and said, "In those days, Yan Ying declined the monarch's reward many times in order to help him, so he never concealed the monarch's fault. Today's ministers try their best to please him in order to gain benefits. If I accept these fifty carts of fish, I will violate Yanzi's behavior principle and cater to the desire of flatterer. " Zhang Xianzhong resolutely refused the fish that Gong Jing gave him.
Mr. Wang said: "The honest action of Xian Zhang is the inheritance of the good character left by Yan Zi!"
Yan Zi's style even influenced his driver's wife. Yan Ying, as the prime minister of Qi, was busy with official business and often went to various countries. Every time you go out, in order to show the prestige of Qi, it is natural to have a grand ceremonial ceremony, a large number of followers and a high-profile husband. However, Yan Ying herself always looks humble.
Yan Ying's coachman, sitting under the high hood, is cocky and whipping his horse. He is very proud and looks like a villain who has succeeded. Not only is it like this outside, but when I get home, I am still arrogant and there is no one around. His wife saw that he was short-sighted and not enterprising, and wanted to urge him to make progress, so she argued with him many times. He disagreed and went his own way. His wife often peeks at his posture under the door when he goes out by car, and she is very angry when she sees that he is still full of energy and overbearing. When he came back, his wife bowed down and said, "My concubine is incompetent and can't serve nobles. Please let me go. " When the coachman heard this, he was very surprised and asked, "I am a royal family, and I am in and out of power." Aren't you satisfied? Why do you say that? " His wife replied: "Yan Ying is short, less than six feet; Ordinary-looking, looking like a fool; However, he can live in harmony with the country and become a vassal. Judging from his appearance, my concubine is always so humble and self-respecting, and seems calm and ambitious. Now, my husband, you are eight feet tall and magnificent, but you are a servant and a driver. You are not ashamed of not making progress. Instead, I am complacent and self-satisfied. I don't think you are a promising person, so I ask to leave you. " After listening to his wife's words, the driver felt very reasonable, ashamed and determined to correct it. From then on, whenever he goes out by car, he always tries his best to restrain himself and treat others with humility to show Yan Ying's virtue. After a long time, Yan Ying was surprised and asked why. The coachman told him the truth. Yan Ying saw his wife's extraordinary speech and the imperial ruler's ambition, so he recommended him as the doctor of Qi.
Yan Ying's exhortation to Qi Jinggong is everywhere, full of miracles, and even has been trusted by Qi Jinggong. Not only was he not beheaded, but he also died a good death, with great honor behind him. Even today, it is a miracle. Therefore, Yan Ying should be lucky enough. What can he ask for except those ministers who were killed by an unintentional word? In fact, Yan Ying's way of doing things is to combine rigidity with softness. He can only use gentle methods to stop some inappropriate behaviors of Qi Jinggong. As for more, I'm afraid he can't.
Gong Jing drinks and makes merry day and night. Once, he was so lonely that he wanted to move the banquet to Swallow's house in the middle of the night.
The leading officer knocked on Yanzi's house and said, "The monarch has arrived!" " Yan Zi, dressed in royal robes, stood at the door and asked, "Will the princes change?" There should be no major events in the country, right? If not, why didn't the king come to me in the middle of the night? "Gong Jing said," the wine is very mellow and the music is wonderful. I want to enjoy it with my husband. Yan Zi replied: "There are special people who are responsible for arranging seats and sacrifices. I dare not participate. " After listening to his words, Gong Jing felt very reasonable. After being rejected, he ordered his men to say, "Move to the home of Sima Taizu (then General Qi). The great official knocked on inlay's door and said, "The monarch has arrived!" Mao, dressed in armor and helmet, stood at the door, with a weapon in his hand and asked, "Isn't there a military action initiated by ministers?" "Is there no rebellion between ministers? If not, why did the king come here to see me in the middle of the night? " Gong Jing said: "The mellow wine and wonderful music are willing to share with the general." After listening to this, I said, "I dare not accompany a person who is responsible for setting the table." After listening to his words, Gong Jing felt very reasonable. After being rejected again, he ordered his men to say, "Go to Liang Qiu's house (Qi Jinggong's favorite courtier)." When the official arrived in Liang Qiu, he knocked at the door and said, "The monarch has arrived!" I saw Liang Qiu holding a piano in his left hand and a shovel in his right hand, singing and welcoming him as he walked. Gong Jing was very happy when he saw it. He said, "Great, I can drink a lot tonight. Without two ministers, Yan Zi and Mao Mao, who will help me govern my country? Without Liang Qiu as my minister, who will have fun with me? "
Perhaps, Yan Ying's practice was influenced by Guan Zhong. At first, Guan Zhong, Bao and Bao were ordered to help their three sons, but they didn't want to. He said: "After a hundred years, if the monarch is in the next world, if he disobeys the monarch's orders, he will abdicate and usurp the throne. I don't want to live even if I win the whole world. What's more, it is my unshirkable task to participate in the government affairs of Qi State, not to change at the behest of the monarch, and not to abolish at the behest of the established monarch. " Guan Zhong said: "My ideas are different. We are commanded by the monarch, served by the state and presided over the ancestral temple. How can you die for someone? There are only three things that can make me die: the country is ruined, the ancestral temple is destroyed, and no one dies. If it were not for these three things, I would still be alive. As long as qi is alive. Why should I die? " Guan zhong's realm is very high Although Yan Ying has the legacy of Guan Zhong, she just has no ambition.
The gentleman said, "A sage's king is assisted by a good friend and a good minister, not a greedy minister. Gong Jing can't compare with the holy king, but he can reuse various ministers, so he can only save the country from extinction. "
Obviously, Yan Ying has lost Guan Zhong's ambition and talent. He can't co-ordinate Qi Jinggong like Guan Zhong, but he can really help Qi Jinggong wholeheartedly. As he said, we can only keep Qi alive. Yan Zisheng lives in the last days, and we can't ask more of him.
In later generations, many emperors were able to accept the advice of ministers. Although they are not as tolerant as Qi Jinggong to Yan Ying, it is valuable to correct their mistakes.
In the ancient official system of China, it was responsible for examining whether the orders given by the emperor were appropriate, and if not, it had the right to refuse. In Shaoxing, wussy Wang held this position. On one occasion, the emperor wanted to reward the doctor too much. Because Wang Jixian, a doctor too much, favored some diseases for the emperor, he was very popular with the emperor at that time. In order to reward him, Song Gaozong decided to promote his son-in-law as a tax official in Zhejiang. The imperial edict reached the king, but it failed and was returned. Song Gaozong was very angry, summoned the prime minister and asked; "Do you often see a doctor?" The prime ministers replied, "Yes, we all invited doctors to see a doctor." Song Gaozong asked again, "So, how do you reward doctors?" The ministers were puzzled, but they had to answer truthfully: "Sometimes wine, sometimes money, and sometimes silk. How to give corresponding rewards according to the size of the disease and the effect of treatment. " Hearing this, Song Gaozong said in a louder voice, "Can't I get a reward for using a doctor in the palace? I don't have to make any more laws.