As for changing equipment, run your mango server (that is, database) first, then run N 9, expand mangos after connecting, find "item-template" and double-click to open it (it is recommended to right-click "copy" to make a backup before operating), click "Form View-Filtering Wizard" in the opened window, click "Add here" at the bottom, and "The entry is equal to".
Item: Item ID, No.
Category: Project Type:
0 = Consumables
1 = container
2 = Weapons
3 = rings/necklaces/ornaments
4 = Armor/Armor
5 = material/reagent
6 = Ammunition
7 = commodity (material)/traded commodity
8 =
9 = formula
10 =
1 1 = bazooka/ammunition bag
12 = task item
13 = key
14 = permanent (invalid)
15 = Other
Subcategory: project subtype (extension of project type):
0 (Consumables) -0 = Consumables
1 (container class) -0 = container
-1 = Soul Pack
-2 = Herbal bag
-3 = Charming material package
-4 = engineering material package
2 (weapon) -0 = one-handed axe
-1 = two-handed axe
-2 = Bow and arrow
-3 = guns/rifles
-4 = One-handed hammer/mace (one-handed)
-5 = Two-handed hammer/mace (both hands)
-6 = long-handled weapon
-7 = One-handed sword
-8 = Two-handed sword
- 9 =
-10 = personnel/(somewhat uncertain)
-1 1 = Heterogeneous weapon (one hand)
-12 = heterogeneous weapons (hands)
-13 = gloves
-14 = hoe/hammer/other weapons
-15 = dagger
-16 = throwing Zheng weapons.
-17 = spear
-18 = crossbow
-19 = wand/(a little uncertain)
-20 = fishing rod/
4 (Armor) -0 = Other/Ring, etc.
-1 = cloth armor
-2 = Leather armor
-3 = Mail
-4 = plate armour
-5 = small round shield
-6 = Shield/Large Shield
-7 = sacred contract
-8 = idol
-9 = Totem
6 (Ammunition)-1 = Used for crossbows.
-2 = Use of bow
-3 = Used for guns.
-4 = weapon thrown at Zheng.
7 (material category) -0 = commercial goods (manufactured goods)/trade goods.
-1 = parts
-2 = gunpowder bombs/explosives
-3 = Project/Equipment
9 (Formula Class) -0 = Account Book
-1 = Leather making/pattern (leather processing)
-2 = Tailor/Pattern (Tailor)
-3 = Engineering/Structure Diagram (Engineering)
-4 = Forging/Design Drawings (Blacksmith)
-5 = Cooking/Recipe (Cooking)
-6 = Alchemy/Formula (Alchemy)
-7 = First Aid/Manual (First Aid)
-8 = Enchant/Formula (Enchant)
-9 = Fishing/
1 1 (quiver) -0 = quiver.
-1 = bazooka
-2 = Bow bag
-3 = Bullet/Gun Pack
12 (task class)
13 (key type) -0 = key.
-1 = Unlock tool
14 (permanent class)
15 (garbage)-
Unk0 (I don't know):-1 (just fine, it's usually this value)
Name (1~4): Project name.
Display ID: project model ID/code
Quality (all quality levels of the project):
0 = off-white/rough
1 = white/normal
2 = Green/Exquisite
3 = Blue/Rare
4 = Purple/Epic
5 = Orange/Legend
6 = red/against the sky
Flag: 0 = (usually =0)
2 = Made by magic.
4 = word box
16 = shield?
32 = Totem/Badge
64 = Horse/Design/
128 =
256 = wand
5 12 =/ Packing box with ribbon
1024 = essence
2048 =
4096 =
8 192 = trade union registration form
32768 =
BuyCount: (0 = multiple, 1 = only 1)
Purchase price: (1000 = 1G)
Selling price: (1000 = 1G)
List type:
1 = head
2 = Neck (necklace)/Neck
3 = Shoulder
4 = shirt
5 = waist
7 = Legs/Pants
8 = feet
9 = Wrist/Wrist
10 = hand/glove
1 1 = finger/finger
12 = ornaments
13 = one hand
14 = deputy (shield)/unarmed (with shield)
15 = bow
16 = Backup/Return
17 = hands
18 = package/package
19 = badge
20 = robes
2 1 = master
22 = Deputy (Miscellaneous)/Unarmed (Other)
23 = Books/scrolls
24 = Ammunition
25 = Throw the weapon to Zheng.
26 = Firearms/Firearms
AllowableClass (equipment occupation/main occupation/equipment category):
-1 = Full-time
0 = Full time
00 1 = warrior
002 = Paladin
003 =
004 = Hunter
005 =
006 =
007 =
008 = thief
009 =
0 10 = priest
020 = FUTURE_ 1
040 = Shaman
080 = Mage
100 = warlock
200 = Future _2
400 = Druid
AllowableRace (equipment race/required race/competition category):
-1 = All races
0 = All races
0 1 = human
02 = Orcs
03 =
04 = dwarf
05 =
06 =
07 =
08 = night elf
10 = Undead
20 = tauren
40 = dwarf
80 = troll
100 = blood elves
Project level: 0~ 199/200/250.
Required level: 0.
Skills required: 0
RequiredSkillRank (required skill level/required skill proficiency): 0
Requiredspell: 0
Requiredhonorrank (the honor level/required honor value of using this item): 0
RequiredCityRank (city level/required): 0
RequiredReputationRank: 0
Maxcount (maximum holdings /): (0 = multiple, 1 = only 1)
Stackable (maximum number of stackable):
Number of containers (how many units/container capacity does the backpack have? =40):
Stat_type:( 1= health, 2= mana, 3= agility, 4= strength, 5= intelligence, 6= spirit.
7= endurance, 12= armor level, 13= evasion level, 14= parry level, 15= shield.
16= melee hit, 17= remote hit, 18= spell hit, 19= melee crit, 20= remote crit.
2 1= spell crit, 22= melee dodge, 23= remote dodge, 24= spell dodge, 25= melee crit dodge,
26= ranged crit evasion, 27= spell crit evasion, 28= melee attack speed, 29= ranged attack speed,
30= spell attack speed, 3 1= hit level, 32 crit level, 33= hit evasion, 34= crit evasion, 35= defense, 36= fast attack speed, 37= accuracy, 38= attack strength, 44= armor penetration, and 45= spell strength.
Stat_value: (This is a numerical value)
stat_type 1
stat_value 1
Statistical value 2
Statistical value 3
Statistical value 4
Statistical value 5
Statistical value 6
Statistical value 7
Statistical value 8
Statistical value 9
stat_type 10
stat_value 10
Dmg_type: (0= physical damage, 1= sacred damage, 2= flame damage, 3= natural damage.
4= frost damage, 5= shadow damage, 6= arcane damage)
Dmg_min 1 (minimum injury)
Dmg_max 1 (maximum damage)
Dmg_type 1 (injury type)
Armor: Armor value
Holy _res: all resistance
Flame resistance
Natural Resistance
Frost resistance
Shadow resistance
Arcane resistance
Delay: attack speed of weapon (ms) (for example: 1500 = 1.5 seconds)
Ammunition type: Ammunition type (ammunition type required for this weapon)
2 = Bow and arrow
3 = Bullets
RangedModRange: 0 (set to all)
The following is the code to fill in the attached skill attribute of the weapon:
Sellid_ 1 (code)
Spelltrigger_ 1 (method: 0- use, 1- equipment, 2- possible when hit)
Spelling error _ 1 (0)
spellppmRate_ 1 (0)
Spell cooldown _ 1 (cooldown-1 is enough)
Spelling category _ 1 (0)
SpellCategorycouldown _ 1 (cooling time-1 is enough)
Spelling trigger _2
Spell cost _2
Spell cooldown _2
Spelling category _2
Spelling trigger _3
Spell cost _3
Spell cooldown _3
Spelling category _3
Spelling trigger _4
Spell cost _4
Spelling error rate _4
Spell cooldown _4
Spelling category _4
SpellID_5 (magic ID)
Spelltrigger_5 (trigger type)
Spell cooldown _5 (cooldown)
Spell Category _5 (Magic Type)
Spell cooldown _ 5 (cooldown of magic type)
Bonding: binding
0 = No binding.
1 = Select binding.
2 = Device binding
3 = Use binding
4 = Task binding
Description: A detailed description of the product/project description.
PageText (text ID/ page body): 0
LanguageID (language ID/ voice type): 0 (language type marked on the project) (collected from languages.dbc)
1 = orc
2 =
3 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
10 =
1 1 =
12 =
13 =
14 =
33 =
PageMaterial: (page material/page background material) (collected from page text material? . dbc)
+0 = Parchment.
2 = stone
3 = marble
4 = Silver
5 = Bronze
Startquest: (start task ID/ project ID that triggered the task)
Lock ID: (lock id)
Material: (material/article material (sound of article manufacturing and use))
-1 = consumer goods (food, reagents, etc. )
1 = metal
2 = Wood products
3 = liquid
4 = Jewelry
5 = chain (refers to things in a chain)
6 = steel plate (something that refers to plate A)
7 = cloth
8 = leather
Sheath: (position (appearance) of weapon)
0 = seems to be the default?
1 = Two-handed sword (back, tip down)
2 = Staff (on the back with the head of the staff facing up)
3 = One-handed sword (placed on the side of the body)
4 = Shielded (on the back)
5 = wand/enchantment stick (? )
7 = glove/flashlight/hoe/unarmed
RandomProperty: 0 (all 0s are enough)
Randomsuffix: 0 (all 0s are enough)
Block: block rate/block probability (probability of shield block attack)
Item set: ID of the suit/item, indicating the category (weapon/armor) it belongs to.
Maximum durability: maximum durability/maximum durability
Area: 0 range/area/where is it used?
Maps: 0 available map areas
Bage family: 0
TotemCategory: 0
SocketColor_( 1~3) slot (1= color slot.2 = red slot.4 = yellow slot.8 = blue slot)
socketContent_( 1~3) 0
SocketBonus: (hole opening reward)
(0= no reward, 1= petrified 3,2 = frozen 1, 3= flametongue 3,4 = flametongue 2,5 = flametongue 1, 6= petrified 2.
7= deadly poison, 8= deadly poison 2, 9 = deadly poison.
Gem property: 0
Expansion cost: 0
RequiredDisenchantSkill:0/- 1/300
ArmorDamageModifier: 0
ScriptName: (script name)?
Disenchantment ID: 00/?
Food type: 0
minMoneyLoot: 0
maxMoneyLoot: 0
Some places are empty. Let him go! ~~~
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