Niu was an official in front of the Jade Emperor Temple in ancient times, and often traveled between heaven and earth. Once, the farmer asked the Jade Emperor to bring some grass seeds to green the world. The Jade Emperor thought it was very reasonable, so he asked his royal highness who would like to sow grass seeds on the earth.
"Jade Emperor, I am willing to plant grass on earth." The jade emperor agreed, but the old cow acted rashly. No sooner had she walked out of the worse gate than she fell down and scattered grass seeds all over the floor. In the second year, farmers with overgrown weeds could not grow crops. When the Jade Emperor knew about it, he punished his ancestors for eating grass and helping farmers. Fortunately, when Niu knew her mistake, she changed her efforts and won unanimous praise.
The origin of the zodiac
In ancient times, there were lions and no tigers in the zodiac. Because the lion is so cruel, the Jade Emperor, who is in charge of the zodiac, wants to remove the lion from the list, but he has to add an animal in charge of the mountain forest. At this time, the jade emperor remembered the tiger guards in front of the temple, so he came to earth. The tiger learned that lions, bears and horses were the three most powerful animals at that time.
I challenged these three animals and defeated them with the tiger's bravery and superb martial arts. The jade emperor carved three horizontal lines on his front collar because of his winning streak, and later killed the Donghai ghost. As soon as the jade emperor was happy, he put a vertical on the tiger's forehead, so a striking word "Wang" appeared on the tiger's forehead.