Look at the sunset in the west, the banquet is over, and all the officials are happy. Liang Zhongshu got on the horse and all the officials were sent back to the government. In front of the horse's head are two new participants, riding horses from top to bottom. With bonuses on their heads, they welcomed into the East Gate.
The streets on both sides help the old and the young, and everyone is happy. Liang Zhongshu asked immediately. Why are your people happy? Murphy smiled, and the old people knelt down and said that the old man was born in Beijing and grew up in Daming House. I have never seen these two heroic generals play today. I am very unhappy to see such an opponent on the teaching field today! ? Liang Zhongshu immediately rejoiced. Back in the house, the officers dispersed. Suochao has a group of brothers, please go to celebrate drinking.
Yang Zhi, a new comer, has never met before, so he went to Fu Liang to have a rest. Be diligent in the morning and evening and be at your disposal, no problem.
Let's put aside these gossips and get to the point. Since Dong Guo's martial arts, Liang Zhongshu has attached great importance to Yang Zhi. I won't leave him sooner or later. Please accept another point in the month. People are getting to know him. Suochao saw the high strength of Yang Zhi's hand, and his heart was full of admiration. I don't feel that time flies, and early spring and early summer come. This is the Dragon Boat Festival and the Ice and Snow Festival.
Have a family dinner with Mrs. Cai in the backyard to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. But see: cut green mugwort leaves in the pot and put red pomegranate in the bottle. Crystal curtain rolls B35B whiskers, and splendid screen opens peacocks. Acorus calamus cuts jade, and beautiful women hold summer purple cups. In the corner, millet piled up gold, and the beautiful woman held the sapphire high. Eating and cooking different products, the fruit is new when presented. Strings and springs play a clear melody. Continue with the leading edge Zhu Cui and put on two lines of dancers' songs. The banquet is like red teeth, dancing all over, dragging the splendid scenery.
Xiao put the sun and moon in the pot and left drunk.
On that day, I had a reunion dinner with Mrs. Cai in the kitchen to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. At that time, there were several glasses of wine and two sets of dishes. Mrs. Cai said that since he was born, "xianggong" has been the commander-in-chief today, holding the important task of the country. Where did this fame and fortune come from? Liang Zhongshu said: Shijie has been studying since he was a child and knows a lot of classics and history. People are not vegetation, don't you know the grace of Mount Tai? I appreciate your help. ? Mrs. Cai said, since my husband knew my father's kindness, how could he forget his birthday? Liang Zhongshu said: Xiaguan doesn't remember that Mount Tai was born on June 15th. I've had the Golden Globe bought for 100,000 yuan and sent it to Beijing to celebrate his birthday. Everyone who worked before January took it, and now it's all ready at nine o'clock. In a few days, it will be ready to go. Only one thing, I hesitate here. Last year, I bought a lot of toys and gold jewelry shells for people. We were robbed by thieves before we were halfway there. This is a waste of money. So far, the thief has not been caught. Who will be invited to Mrs. Cai this year? There are many military schools before you register, so choose one who understands your heart. ? Liang Zhongshu way:? There are still forty or fifty days, so it's not too late to choose someone sooner or later.
Don't worry, madam. Shijie will handle it. ? On the same day, the family dinner didn't end until two o'clock at noon. Since then, this has been a cinch.
Not to mention buying gifts and toys, he chose to go to Beijing to celebrate the birthday of a person named Cai. Talk about a new magistrate in Yuncheng County, Jeju, Shandong Province. His surname was Wen Bin at that time, and he was promoted to public office on the same day, but he was honest as an official and honest in his work. There is kindness in every sympathy. Fight for land, argue right and wrong and then implement it; Hit, hit, hit, hit. In your spare time, you should also care about other people's feelings. Although the county governs officials, the fruit is the parents of the people.
When he was magistrate of a county, Wen Bin was promoted to the public seat of the hall, with public officials and others on both sides. The magistrate of a county immediately called the captain to catch the thief, and there were two police officers. Under the command of the sheriff, there are two commanders, one is the infantry commander and the other is the cavalry commander. This cavalry is in charge of 20 archers and 20 soldiers. The infantry is responsible for 20 gunners and 20 soldiers.
The knight, surnamed Zhu, is eight feet and forty-five in length. He has a moustache, one foot and five inches long, his face is as heavy as a jujube, and he looks like Ma Taixing. Everyone in the county called him Beard. He used to be rich here. Because of his generosity, he made friends with heroes in the Jianghu and learned a good martial arts. What do you think of the weather in Zhutong? But see: brave and loyal to the liver, a hero, proficient in martial arts, outstanding, outstanding. Bows can shoot tigers and swords can kill dragons.
A look of reverence for ghosts and gods, describing awe. Blushing like a heavy jujube. Yunshang is reborn, and the person number is beautiful.
This infantryman, surnamed Lei Mingheng, is seven feet five inches long, with a purple face and a fan-shaped beard. Because of his extraordinary muscles, he can jump 320 feet wide, and people all over the county call him a winged tiger. It turns out that he is a blacksmith in this county.
Later he opened a house, killed cattle and gambled. Brave as he is, he is just a little narrow-minded. I also learned a good martial arts. How can I see the weather in Lei Heng? But see: The stars in the sky are approaching the world, and one of them is off-center, and the hero is Lei Heng. It is healthy to drag the boxer's arm, and flying feet and lightning are born. Jiang Hai is brave, but he jumps over the wall and crosses the stream lightly. Xiong Hao, who dares to compete with it? Shandong spiny-winged tiger is famous all over the world.
Because Zhu Tong and Lei Heng have to wait for idle people, everyone promised to let them be leaders to catch thieves. On the same day, the magistrate of a county called two people to the hall and said, here, take the instructions. The road to the magistrate: Since I took office, I have heard that the water town of Liangshanpo, under the jurisdiction of my government Jeju, was looted by thieves and drove away the enemy government forces. I'm also afraid that thieves are everywhere in the countryside and there are many villains. I'm calling you both now, so don't say goodbye to your hard work. I took the soldiers and others with me, one went out of the west gate and joined the patrol separately. If there are thieves, arrest them immediately and don't disturb the villagers. I know there is a big red leaf tree on the hill of Dongxi Village, and it is nowhere else. You all take a few pieces to the county seat to prove that you have been there.
If everyone has no red leaves, it is your vanity, and this government will punish them mercilessly. ? Both of them took the order and went back to their respective places, ordering their soldiers to inspect themselves.
Don't say Zhu Tong led Simon to patrol, only that Lei Heng led twenty soldiers that night and went out of the East Gate to patrol around the village. I have traveled all over this place. When I returned to the mountain of Dongxi Village, everyone picked red leaves and went down to the village. If you can't walk three or two miles, get to Lingguan Temple as soon as possible. See the temple gate open. Lei Hengdao:? There is no temple in this temple, and its doors are not closed. Is there an evil person in it? Let's just go in and have a look. ? Everyone took the fire and shone together.
I saw a big man sleeping naked on the table. It was very hot in heaven, so the man made a pillow out of some rags, put it under his neck, and fell asleep on the altar. Lei Heng looked at it and said? How strange! How strange! Magistrate of a county is a god. It turns out that there is a thief in Dongxi Village. ? He shouted, but Han was about to lose ground. Twenty soldiers went up together, tied the man with a rope, escorted him out of the temple gate and threw him into Bao Zheng village.
Instead of investing in that place, there are different teaching methods: let three or four heroes gather in things and find 100 thousand golden globes in Yuncheng County. Exactly: the stars in the sky will meet, and the earth and the earth will meet. After all, Lei Heng seized the Han, what can be done? Listen to the next decomposition.