In 202 BC, the last year of the Chu-Han struggle, Xiang Yu, the overlord of the western Chu state, was trapped, wailing and besieged on all sides. Xiang Yu's heart ached when he saw that the tide was gone. He said a sad song to his beloved concubine Yu Ji: "When you pull out the mountain, you blame others, and when it is unfavorable, you will never die." What can I do without dying? "
Yu Ji danced sadly and sang with tears. In the song dynasty, several times, Yu Ji drew his sword and committed suicide, which made the overlord have no worries. However, Yu Ji's death made Xiang Yu even more unwilling to live, so he refused the kindness of director Wujiang Pavilion, refused Jiangdong, and led twenty-eight riders to kill the Han army several times to prove that "the death of heaven is not a war crime". Finally, he drew his sword and committed suicide, leaving a permanent farewell.
Two? Lu You and Tang Wan
Lu You, a poet in Song Dynasty, and his cousin Tang Wan were a loving couple. They sang in harmony and had deep feelings. But because Liu Mu didn't like Tang Wan and beat Yuanyang, Lu You and his wife were forced to separate. Ten years after their respective marriages. During a spring outing to Shenyuan, Lu You met Tang Wan who was traveling with her husband. Tang Wan sent wine and food to show his comfort to Lu You.
Lu You was drunk, and wrote the words "Hairpin Phoenix" on the garden wall: "Red crisp hands, yellow wine, spring willows all over the city. East wind evil in a bad mood, depressed mood, has been separated for several years. No! No! No! Spring is the same, people are empty, and tears are red and sad. Peach blossom falls, idle pool pavilion. Although Meng Shan is here, it is hard to trust Jin Shu. Mo! Mo! Mo! "
Tang Wan also wrote a poem: "The world is thin and human feelings are evil, and it is easy to send flowers at dusk. The breeze is dry and the tears are residual. If you have to worry, just say it alone. Difficult! Difficult! Difficult! People become different, today is not yesterday, and sick souls are often thousands of miles away. The horn sounded cold and the night was hazy. Afraid of being asked questions, swallow your tears and pretend to be happy. Hide. Hide. Hey! " Soon, Tang Wan died of depression.
Third, Meng Jiangnv and Qi Liang.
According to legend, when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, his work was very heavy. Fan Xiliang, a young man and woman, married Meng Jiangnu for three days, and the groom was forced to start building the Great Wall. Soon, he died of hunger, cold and fatigue, and his bones were buried under the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnv wore a warm coat and went through a lot of hardships. Wan Li came to the Great Wall to look for her husband, only to get the bad news of her husband's death.
She was crying at the gate, not drinking or eating, like crying blood cuckoo and looking at the bright moon. This feeling of crying shook the earth, the white clouds stopped and the birds were silent. I cried for ten days and nights, and suddenly I heard a mountain ringing, and suddenly the mountains shook, flying sand and stones, and the Great Wall collapsed for 800 miles. For three days and nights, the Great Wall collapsed, revealing Fan Xiliang's body.
Fourth, Liu Lanzhi and Jiao Zhongqing.
Liu Lanzhi and Jiao Zhongqing really love each other, but the stubborn Jiaom is very critical of her. Liu Lanzhi insisted that she come back, but Jiao Zhongqing begged her mother in vain, so she persuaded Liu Lanzhi to stay away from her family for a while and tried to take her back.
When they parted, they vowed never to lose each other. Unexpectedly, after Liu Lanzhi returned to her mother's house, her flattering brother forced her to remarry the son of the satrap. Jiao Zhongqing arrived at the scene. On the day of the wedding ceremony of Taishou's son, both of them died of double suicide. ?
Verb (abbreviation of verb) Yang Guifei and Tang
Drunkenness of the Imperial Lady is famous all over the world. I have to admit that Yang Guifei is really beautiful and unusual. She can seduce the soul of Tang Xuanzong. The world also admits that they are really talented and beautiful.
However, if it is placed in the homes of ordinary people, it will be a much-told story. However, if you are born in an imperial family, you should put the country first and your children have an affair. There is no way, so we have to hang the imperial concubine by Malay, and they have been separated from each other since then.