The boatman told him, "Xiaolong wants your pearl!" " Throw the bead into the water quickly, or it will kill us! "
The man was about to throw the beads into the sea, but he couldn't bear it; He thought for a moment: Xiaolong won't stop until he throws away the beads. When it came to life and death, he spat out the meat on his thigh and hid the beads. The dragon left without seeing the pearl, and the waves gradually calmed down. When he got home, he took out the beads. The orb was left behind, but the wound on his thigh was soaked in seawater for a long time, and most of the meat had festered. The family immediately called the doctor. The doctor looked at it and said, "I have a terminal illness, so prepare for the funeral." So, this man died soon.
Alas! The most precious thing in the world is your body. This man should pay too much attention to things outside his body and destroy his own body. What's the use of a ball if you die? Why are you so confused?