After Pangu was destroyed, people who lived without food and grass returned to the world after 3700 years. They went to seventy-two mountains to find grains and taste herbs, and then Yansuoluo found a chestnut and a grain in the same mountain. Eight kinds of jujube trees made a millet in Daliangshan, seven kinds of willow trees made a rice, and Zhu Shishan found a adzuki bean in the plum tree. When planting adzuki beans, you will find that there is one kind of soybean in Weishi Mountain, five kinds of soybean in Sophora japonica, two kinds of barley in Changshi Mountain, four kinds of barley in Peach Tree and one kind of sesame in Wushi Mountain. When you plant it in Shijingshan Mountain, you will eventually grow sesame seeds, and all the grains will be born because of six trees. Emperor Yan and Bodhisattva will be saved in the world if they go to seventy-two mountains to find grain. When Tian Gong and Tian Mu were in charge of dividing crops into heaven and earth in the early days, the people were charitable, loyal and filial. It rained day after day and the grain was harvested in good weather. The country and people are safe and sound. Grains are not thieves. A grain weighs three or two, and all beings disperse it as the base grain. Emperor Yan and Wang Xinsheng were troubled for many years. It's sunny and rainy, insects and locusts plague, droughts and floods turn sharply, and crops don't harvest. People in the world are starving to death because they don't know when it will come. The king of food and clothing, the bodhisattva passed this sutra, which is incredible. Kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness, kindness, men and women need to prepare incense lamps every time they sow. Ask a monk friend to read this sutra at home. Sacred and joyful, the crops grow long and the harvest is endless. The Buddha said that this sutra has become a heaven and man. Asura heard the Buddha say that all the days are happy. He believed in it. He was honored to retire.