Swallow is a very spiritual bird and an auspicious bird. According to Shan Hai Jing, swallows are the birds closest to the ancestors of Xuanniao. During the Yin and Shang Dynasties, people worshipped swallows. They think it is sacred for swallows to fly from south to north and breed in the north. When the swallows come back to breed, some young men and women will go out to worship. To get children. It is said that children born this season are blessed by mysterious birds and are particularly clever. The animals so admired by the ancients must have special abilities, right?
Swallows don't fall cold, not because they are too poor to love rich people. Look at the following story; Legend has it that in ancient times, there were two brothers and sisters, no parents, and they were very poor. They live together, but they are very kind. One day my brother picked up an injured swallow on the road and took it home. The brothers and sisters tried their best to heal for more than ten days, cured them and sent them away. Few swallows flew back with a gourd seed. The two brothers and sisters happily planted and carefully managed, and finally produced three big gourds. Brother and sister thought that when the gourd was ripe, they would open it and give it to the villagers. But when it was cooked and opened, it was full of gold and silver jewelry. Brothers and sisters distributed gold and silver jewelry to the villagers and lived a good life.
When a local tyrant nearby heard this, he deliberately injured a swallow and pretended to be cured. After the injury, the swallow also brought him a gourd seed. The local tyrants were so happy that they quickly planted them and looked forward to the arrival of gold, silver and jewels. The gourd was ripe, so he quickly opened it. There is a saying that locusts ate up his crops, a saying that robbers killed his whole family, and another saying that everything was burned with a torch. This story tells us that swallows can tell who is really kind and bring good luck to kind people. If you don't go near the rich, the bad guys will still be punished.
It is an old saying that swallows don't go into bitter and cold families. What was the house of a bitter and cold family like at that time? It's hard to avoid the wind and rain. Swallows don't choose such a house for their home and children. The house of that well-off family will be strong and the building structure will be reasonable. Swallows choose such a family, which is conducive to shelter from the wind and rain, and is also conducive to the support of future generations. Swallows are not worried about others. Ordinary people will lose their temper and quarrel when they are in a hurry. Swallows are chattering all day, but they like a quiet environment, so they don't settle in such a family.
Some people say that swallows can see feng shui. Whether it is true or not, perhaps it can feel the harmony and unity of that family by virtue of spirituality and instinct, and it can also predict that that family will prosper. It chose this kind of family to live in, which brought good luck to its owner, but also touched the light of its owner, so that it and its descendants could have a good development.