Then these gems, after being processed by the master jeweler, can be turned into stones with attributes, and through the hands of the master jeweler, they can be turned into gems with attributes. This process is called "cutting stones".
Slots are divided into red, yellow, blue and color. Insert a gem of the corresponding color. That is to say, rubies should be put in the red groove, topaz in the yellow groove and sapphire in the blue groove. Colorful grooves generally appear in the equipment head, and colorful gems should also be inserted.
There are orange gems, purple gems and green gems.
Orange gems correspond to red and yellow slots, that is, you can insert them in orange slots or yellow slots. Purple gemstones correspond to yellow and blue grooves. The green one corresponds to the yellow and blue slots. In fact, like the principle of the palette, there will be handwriting on the gem, so pay attention.