Dongping Village, Dongping Village, Xinglong Town, fengjie county, Chongqing is located in the west of Xinglong Town, 20 kilometers away from the seat of the town government. Covering an area of 35.6 square kilometers, it administers 25 cooperatives with 406 households, 1.899 people, 950 laborers and 320 migrant workers. The land area is 38,000 mu, including 4,300 mu of cultivated land and 3 1.000 mu of forest land. The main crops are corn, potato and sweet potato, and the cash crops are two cigarettes and konjac. In 2009, the per capita net income of farmers was 3,250 yuan, and the per capita grain was 385 kilograms. There are still 30% poor households in the village.
Dongping Village is adjacent to Chuan 'e Village, Cunninghamia lanceolata Village, Huilong Village, Gaoping Village, friendship village, Yangdian Village, Xinjie Village, Youai Village, Dongfang Village, taoyuan village Village, Antang Village, Sanqiao Village, Shiru Village and Sanjiaoba Community.
There are some tourist attractions near Dongping Village, such as Baidicheng, Dawo Scenic Area, Qutang Gorge, Three Gorges Peak Scenic Area and Chongqing Tiankeng Ground Fissure. There are some specialties, such as Fengjie navel orange, Fengjie burley tobacco, Tinglai pickles, sunflower seeds and Ji Tao Ziyang chicken.