However, Tong is still very clever. Later, he suspected that Wang Jufeng could not afford to pay back the money. He said that he had a high return on investment in Quzhou and needed a bank loan. If the bank wants to verify capital, let Wang lend him tens of millions, no matter how high the interest is. When the bank gave him a loan, he immediately called Wang.
Wang Jufeng believed in Tong and helped him borrow money everywhere, raising 50 to 60 million yuan for Tong. Tong said that the money was stuck by the bank, and he needed a deposit to find a bank loan again, so Wang could lend him tens of millions.
This led to the complete rupture of Wang Jufeng's capital chain. Afterwards, Wang Jufeng talked about Tong's anger and said that he didn't owe Tong money and was cheated by Tong.
By checking the bank account, the prosecutor confirmed that Wang still owed Tong a principal of more than 20 million yuan, and Tong recognized the money.
After Tong's accident, some enterprises and real estate were sold, and Porsche with a value of10.5 million yuan was also sold. Now he drives a Geely car and has tens of thousands of dollars to pay back the money he owes to his family. Therefore, the procuratorate implemented the decision not to prosecute him.
Li Huibin, 46, is the legal representative of a company in Taizhou. In order to earn a high interest difference, he illegally absorbed a total of 6.5438+0029 million yuan from public deposits, and then lent it to Wang Jufeng at a monthly interest rate of 9%-654.38+05%. By the time of the incident, the loss was 3.29 million yuan. In addition, Wang Jufeng lost a total of 48.62 million yuan, won back 24.29 million yuan and lost 24.33 million yuan at the "Mark Six Lottery" betting station where Li Huibin and others were bookmakers. Li Huibin illegally gained more than 3 million yuan. The court finally found Li Huibin guilty of illegally absorbing public deposits, sentenced him to five years' imprisonment and fined him 200,000 yuan. He was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 10 year for the crime of illegal business operation and fined RMB 3.5 million. Decided to execute fixed-term imprisonment of 13 years and fined RMB 3.7 million.
Chen Wenmin is the legal representative of a mold factory in huangyan district. He illegally absorbed public deposits totaling 6.5438+0.786 million yuan and lent them to Wang Jufeng for use, resulting in a loss of 95.65438+0.000 million yuan. He also colluded with the former party secretary and director of Laixin Village in Huangyan (both sentenced) to misappropriate 20 million yuan of land acquisition in the village and lend it to Wang Jufeng for profit-making activities. The court finally found that Chen Wenmin was guilty of illegally absorbing public deposits, sentenced to 7 years in prison and fined 500,000 yuan; He was sentenced to five years in prison for misappropriating public funds. Decided to execute fixed-term imprisonment of 10 year and impose a fine of 500,000 yuan. Chen Wenmin said in the final statement of the trial, "I demand a lighter punishment, but I am also a victim". After the verdict was pronounced in the first instance, he said in court that he would appeal.
Wu Yuhua is Wang Jufeng's "good sister". She was sentenced to nine years for illegally absorbing public deposits. During her medical release, she absorbed more than RMB 265,438+10,000 for Wang Jufeng. This time, she committed the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits and was sentenced to 2 years in prison. On the same day, she was released on bail pending trial and put in prison for execution. She herself said in court that she would not appeal. The victim asked for a light sentence, hoping that she could pay her debts when she came out.
The large number of victims in this case and the great social impact were unexpected by the public, prosecutors and legal personnel involved.
Before the trial, the presiding judge spent a whole day looking for dozens of victims to check the amount cheated. For most of the "loans", Wang Jufeng agreed, and only a few people disagreed. She said that the borrowed money had been paid back, and some paid high interest higher than the principal.
"The amount of money between Wang Jufeng and Li and Tong (handled separately) is unknown. If the victim paid in cash, the exact amount of cash is unknown. The amount of losses caused by Wang Jufeng is far less than 65.438+0.2 billion yuan. The amount falsely reported by the victim does not exclude the amount falsely reported by the victim, and shall be eliminated in accordance with the principle of benefiting the defendant. Although the victim lost a lot in this case, the victim was also at fault. The victim took a fancy to Wang Jufeng's high interest rate and lent it to her, which can appropriately reduce the legal responsibility of the defendant. " Wang Jufeng's defender defended him in court. As several loans have found new evidence, Wang Jufeng's illegal fund-raising will increase from the original 470 million yuan to 65.438+0 million yuan.
Dozens of victims who participated in the audit were relatively calm, and there was no emotional excitement during the whole trial.
Previously, these victims had petitioned public security organs, procuratorial organs, legal organs, municipal governments and other departments many times, hoping to get some money back from Wang Jufeng's seized property. They also jointly requested the court to give Wang Jufeng a lighter punishment, hoping that after she came out, she could still get the money and return it to them.
Among the many victims, there are also many loan sharks. Some of the money lent to Wang Jufeng has interest as high as 10%-20%. According to the relevant laws and regulations, if the loan interest rate of the bank exceeds 4 times over the same period, the law will not protect it.
It is understood that Wang Jufeng's property seized by the public security organs is less than 6.5438 billion yuan. Among them, Wang Jufeng's property in Luqiao has been mortgaged to Yang. At present, the investigation organ has frozen the real estate registered under Yang's name.
At present, the ownership of the villa 18 in Wangjingwan Community, luqiao district, which was seized and frozen by the investigation authorities, is still controversial. The victim in this case thinks that the money for buying a villa is illegal fund-raising, so the villa belongs to stolen goods and should be recovered and returned to the victim. Yu, the purchaser, believes that the villa he legally purchased should be owned by him according to law. The public security organ seized it illegally and asked the court to lift it. In order to provide sufficient defense rights for both parties to the dispute, the court will leave it for later settlement.
At present, the largest asset in place is only the asset auction of Lan Xin Business Hotel-more than 3 million yuan, which has been transferred to the account of the public security organ.
Some valuable jewelry was detained in the pawnshop, but the pawnshop refused to hand it over. Although BMW and other cars have been restricted by the investigation authorities, they have not been detained. Wang Jufeng bet 48.62 million yuan on Mark Six Lottery in Li Huibin and lost 24.328 million yuan. These gambling funds cannot be recovered from Li Huibin at present. The victim asked the public security organ to recover from the superior payee.