First of all, Hetian jade and jadeite jade are very easy to identify. Hetian jade looks white, milky, warm and oily. If it is jade, different textures look very different. If the water color is good, it looks moist and transparent, and the color is natural and comfortable. If the water color is not good enough, it will dry and cotton will crack and have defects.
Hetian jade is soft and jadeite jade is jadeite. Physical and chemical properties are also quite different. You can buy introductory books and read more jade popular science articles, and then go to the market to see what should be basic in combination with reality.
Personally, since it is selling, in addition to understanding the difference and basic identification and difference between jade and Hetian jade, the most important thing is selling. You need to know the people who buy jade, the age group, how to recommend it, preferences and so on. It is also important to understand the needs of consumers and meet them. What kind of sales methods will improve the transaction rate also needs to be considered. See how others do it, and the methods of those who do well can be used for reference. Learn more.