Although Dong Zhuo invited some prestigious people to be officials, he didn't know how to deal with it at all. He has the means to win the support of his own soldiers. He asked these generals and soldiers who had just entered Beijing to grab property and beauty at will. There are many buyers and sellers in Luoyang, which are adjacent to each other. There are also many royalty, nobles and rich people. Dong Zhuo's soldiers broke in and grabbed whatever they saw. There is also a name, saying that this is called "searching prisons", which means protecting public order. Who can stand this "protection"? The soldiers gave Dong Zhuo the stolen property and beautiful women, and he gave them some for everyone to enjoy. He also dug up the mausoleum of Emperor Han Ling and divided all the jewels hidden in it. As a result, the men all gave thumbs up and praised Dong Zhuo for being really interesting.