00 1 Main entrance of College of Earth Sciences and Resources 07050048 Institute of Geography Institute of Comprehensive Geography 1 Geomorphology 2 Quaternary Geology 3626037
07090 1 * * Mineralogy, Petrology and Deposit Science of Wang Ji 336 26038 Ore deposit science direction: Ore science and mineralogy * * Ore deposit science direction: 1, Ore science 2, College of Prospecting and Exploration Geology.
Petrology direction: opposite to the main entrance of petrology synthesis: 1, petrology 2, crystal optics 336260 37.
Mineralogical direction: mineralogical synthesis 33623 037 Mineralogical direction: 1, Crystallography 2, siping road, Tongji University of Mineralogy.
070902 200092 Geochemistry 336 26038 Comprehensive Geochemistry 336260 37 1, Environmental Geochemistry 2, Exploration Geochemistry
070903 Paleontology and Stratigraphy Sedimentology and Paleogeography 1, Comprehensive Petrology 2, Structural Geology
070904 structural geology comprehensive geology 1, comprehensive petrology 2, general geology
070905 Quaternary Geology Quaternary Environment 1, Geomorphology 2, Physical Geography
070922 ★ Eco-geology and Geo-history 1, Comprehensive Petrology 2, Sedimentary Palaeogeography
07 1200 history of science and technology, ancient history of China 1, comprehensive geology 2, ancient philology of China.
08 1603 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering Application of Geographic Information System 1 Introduction to Earth Science 2. Digital Image Processing
08 180 1 theory and method of mineral exploration 1 mineralogy 2. prospecting and exploration geology
08 1802 Earth Exploration and Information Technology Digital Image Processing 1, Introduction to Earth Science 2, Ore Deposit Science
08 1824 ★ Economics of Resource Industry 1, Management of Mineral Resources 2, Economics of Resources and Environment
08 1830 ★ Digital image processing of remote sensing of resources and environment 1, physical basis of remote sensing 2. Geographic information system
002 Institute of Engineering and Technology 070300 Chemical Analytical Chemistry See Annex 1.
See attachment 1 for the principle of 080200 mechanical engineering machinery.
The tribological basis of 080500 material science and engineering is shown in Annex 1.
08 140 1 See Annex 1 for geotechnical engineering geology.
08 1803 geological engineering drilling and foundation construction or engineering geology are shown in annex 1.
08 1822 ★ See Annex 1 for the structural design of underground buildings.
08 183 1 ★ See Annex 1 for drilling technology of drilling engineering.
08 1903 see annex 1 for safety technology and engineering safety management.
003 School of Materials Science and Engineering 070207 Optics 1, Electromagnetism 2, Quantum Mechanics
07090 1 Fundamentals of Mineralogy, Petrology and Deposit Science 1 Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Materials 2. Material Technology
07092 1 Fundamentals of Rock Mineral Materials 1 Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Materials 2. Material Technology
080500 Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 1, Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Materials 2, Material Technology
08 1704 comprehensive chemistry of applied chemistry 1, structural chemistry 2, instrumental analysis
004 School of Information Engineering and Technology 070 102 Advanced Algebra of Computational Mathematics (50%)
Probability statistics (50%) 1, complex variable function
2. Ordinary differential equations
070 104 advanced algebra of applied mathematics (50%)
Probability statistics (50%) 1, complex variable function
2. Ordinary differential equations
0811kloc-0/control theory and electronic technology foundation of control engineering (analog electronics 50%, digital electronics 50%) or
Probability theory and ordinary differential equations 1, signals and systems
2. Principle and application of microcomputer
08 1 102 basic electronic technology of detection technology and automation device (analog electronics 50%, digital electronics 50%) 1, signals and systems
2. Circuit principle
08 1200 Computer Science and Technology C Language Programming (50%)
Software engineering (50%) 1, operating system principles
2. Database principle
08 1603 spatial database of cartography and geographic information engineering (including introduction of database system) 1, language programming
2. Modern Cartography
005 School of Water Resources and Environment 07 10 10 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Environmental Science 1 Principles of Environmental Science 2. Development and Protection of Water Resources
08 150 1 hydrology and groundwater dynamics 1, principles of hydrology 2, development, utilization and protection of water resources
08 182 1 ★ Groundwater Science and Engineering Groundwater Dynamics 1, Principles of Hydrology 2. Development, Utilization and Protection of Water Resources
08 1832 ★ geological environment and engineering geotechnical mechanics 1, principles of hydrology 2, development, utilization and protection of water resources
083000 Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering Environmental Science 1, Principles of Environmental Science 2, Development and Protection of Water Resources
006 Institute of Energy 070602 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment 1, Environmental Chemistry 2, Atmospheric Environment Monitoring (Optional)
08 180 1 mineral survey and exploration 1, petroleum structural geology 2, coalfield geology 3, petroleum geology 4, reservoir physics (optional)
08 1826 ★ Energy Geological Engineering 1, Petroleum Tectonic Geology 2, Coalfield Geology 3, Sedimentary Petrology 4, Reservoir Physics (optional)
082002 Oil and Gas Field Development Project 1, Oil Production Project 2, Oil Reservoir Project (optional)
007 School of Humanities and Economics 020 100 Theoretical Economics International Trade or Investment or Resources and Environmental Economics (one of three choices) Monetary Banking or Corporate Finance or Human Resources Economics (two of three choices)
020200 Applied Economics, International Trade or Investment or Resources and Environmental Economics (one of three choices), Monetary Banking or Corporate Finance or Human Resources Economics (two of three choices)
030 103 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Constitutional Law Administrative Procedure Law and Contract Law
030 108 Environmental and Resource Protection Law Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law Civil Procedure Law and Contract Law
030500 Marxist theory Marxist political theory (covering: basic principles of Marxism, an introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and an introduction to Socialism with Chinese characteristics theory) can be selected from historical materialism, contemporary world economy and politics.
040 106 higher education, education management, historical materialism, contemporary world economy and politics
040203 Applied Psychology Introduction to Contemporary Social Psychology or Psychological Counseling and Treatment (either one) The history and system of western psychology and general psychology.
120 100 management science and engineering enterprise management or management information system (choose one) introduction to human resource management and information management
120200 introduction to business administration Modern enterprise management or financial management or tourism (one of three choices) Marketing or human resource management or intermediate financial accounting or tourism resources and development (two of four choices)
120400 the theory and method of social investigation and the policy of public administration politics.
008 Jewelry College 050404 Introduction to Design Arts and Crafts 1, Foundation of Jewelry Design 2, Foundation of Jewelry Processing
07090 1 mineralogy, petrology, deposit gemmology 1, crystal optics and rock-forming minerals 2. Jewelry evaluation
009 Foreign Languages Department 05020 1 English Language, Literature and English Comprehensive Ability Test 1, Translation 2, Academic English Writing
0502 1 1 English comprehensive ability test of foreign linguistics and applied linguistics 1, translation 2, academic English writing
0 10 School of Geophysics and Information Technology 070800 Geophysics Solid Geophysics
C language programming exploration geophysics
08 1000 information and communication engineering electronic technology digital circuit
Digital signal processing
08 1802 earth exploration and information technology applied geophysics
C language programming exploration geophysics
08 1825 ★ Geophysical Engineering Applied Geophysics
C language programming exploration geophysics
08 1829 ★ Environmental and Engineering Geophysics Applied Geophysics
C language programming exploration geophysics
0 1 1 Institute of Land Science and Technology 070500 Introduction to Geographical Land Management 1 Cadastral Management 2. Land economics
08 160 1 Geodetic and Surveying Engineering Comprehensive Surveying 1, Surveying 2, Geodetic Basis
08 1602 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Integrated Surveying 1, Surveying 2, Geodetic Basis
08 1603 Comprehensive Surveying of Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering 1, Surveying 2, Geodetic Basis
08 1827 ★ Introduction to Land Management of Resource Management Engineering 1, Cadastral Management 2, Land Economics
120405 Introduction to Land Resource Management 1, Cadastral Management 2, Land Economics
0 12 ocean college 070702 marine chemistry and geochemistry 1, physical geography 2, marine geology
070704 Introduction to Marine Geology and Earth Science 1, Physical Geography 2, Marine Geology
0 13 school of software 08 1200 school of information engineering school of computer science and technology information engineering