It has something to do with jade. Next to the word king, it is transformed from the word jade. Also called Xie Yufang or Xie Wangfang. Next to them are Xi, Qiong, Wang, Qiu, Li, Zhu, Qin, Zhen, Dan, Gui, Ban, Hu, Xian, Zhuo Huan, Mei, Bo, Gui, Ling and Li.
Jade means pictographic. Oracle Bone Inscriptions glyph. A rope with some jade on it. Jade "is the radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: a beautiful stone with moist luster.
The beauty of jade has five virtues, gentleness and kindness ...-Shuo Wen
You can't go for no reason. -The Book of Rites and the Book of Songs. Sparse: Jade is called Ye Pei. "
Wu Yu. -"Yu Shu". Zheng Note: Holding it is called Rui, and displaying it is called jade. "
Wang Jize eats jade. -"Zhou Li Wangfu"
Only jade food. -"Book Hongfan"
Sacrifice jade and silk, dare to add, will believe. -"Zuo zhuan"