The capitals and national treasures of all countries in the world
China people * * * People's Republic of China (PRC) Beijing Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pyongyang Pyongyang Pyongyang Korea. Seoul, Korea Seoul Japan Tokyo Philippines Manila Indonesia Indonesia Jakarta Brunei Darussalam M Bandar Seri Begawan Port Singapore Singapore Kingdom Thailand Bangkok Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Vietnam Southern Socialist Republic Hanoi Hanoi Lao People's Democratic Republic Vientiane Cambodia Kingdom Phnom Penh Myanmar Union Yangon Bhutan Kingdom Thimphu East Timor Democratic Republic Dili Dili Nepal Kingdom Nepal Kathmandu Kathmandu India New Delhi Bangladesh People's Republic Dhaka Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic Colombo Maldives Republic Male Pakistan Islamic Republic Pakistan Islamabad Afghanistan Islamic State Kabul Tajikistan Republic Tajikistan Republic Dushanbe Kyrgyzstan Bishkek. G Kazakhstan Republic Kazakhstan Republic Astana Uzbekistan Republic Uzbekistan Republic Tashi Gan Tashkent Turkmenistan Republic Ashgabat Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tehran Iraq Iraq Baghdad Kuwait City Kuwait Qatar Qatar Doha United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Bahrain Bahrain Bahrain Kingdom Bahrain Manama Oman Sultanate Mas. Kat Yemen Yemen Sana 'a Saudi Arabia Riyadh Jordan Hashemite Kingdom Amman Ama Palestinian State Jerusalem Israel Jerusalem Syrian Arab Republic Damascus Lebanese Republic Beirut Cyprus Nicosia Turkey Ankara Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Baku Georgia Tiberius Armenia Yerevan Norway Oslo Iceland Reykjavik Sweden Stockholm Finland Helsinki Estonia Estonia Tallinn Latvia Latvia Riga Lithuania. Republic of Lithuania Vilnius Vilnius Republic of Belarus Republic of Belarus Minsk Minsk Russian Federation Moscow Ukraine Kiev Republic of Moldova M aldo Wakhinev Republic of Poland Warsaw Czech Republic Prague Slovakia Slovakia Republic Bratislava Hungary. Budapest, Hungary, Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London, Ireland, Dublin, Dublin, Denmark, Copenhagen, Netherlands, Amsterdam, Monaco, Monaco, France, Paris, Belgium, Brussels, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Austria, Austria, Vienna, Switzerland, Bern, Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein, vaduz, vaduz West. Spain Kingdom Madrid Andorra Commonwealth Ovandora Andorra Ravela Portugal Lisbon Italy Italy Rome Malta Malta Valletta Bamako San Marino Vatican City Vatican City Port-au-Prince Slovenia Republic Ljubljana Republic of Croatia Republic of Croatia. A Zagreb, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Belgrade, Republic of Macedonia. Skopje Albania Tirana Romania Bucharest Bulgaria Sofia Greece Athens Egypt Arab Egypt Cairo Sudan Khartoum Ethiopia Federal Democratic Republic Addis Ababa Addis Ababa Eritrea Asmara Djibouti Republic Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Soma Mogadishu Libyan Socialist People's Republic Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Tripoli Algerian Democratic People's Republic Algiers Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Kingdom of Morocco Rabat Cape Verde Cape Verde Praia Mauritania Islamic Republic Nouakchott Mali. Bamako Bamako Senegal Senegal Republic Dakar Dakar Gambia Republic Banjul Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Republic. Guinea Conakry Conakry Sierra Leone Republic Freetown Sierra Leone Republic Liberia Republic Monrovia Republic C? te d 'Ivoire Yamoussoukro Yamoussoukro Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Niger Niger Niger Niamey Chad N 'Djamena Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria Abuja Ghana Accra Togo Togo Togo Togo Republic Lomé Benin Republic Benin Republic porto-novo porto-novo Cameroon Republic Cameroon Republic Yaoundé Gabon Republic Libreville Equatorial Guinea Republic Equatorial Guinea Republic Malabo Malabo Sao Tome and Principe Democratic Republic Sao Tome and Principe Central African Republic Bangui Congo Republic Brazzaville Democratic Republic of the Congo * * * Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Uganda Kampala Uganda Kampala Rwanda Kigali Burundi Burundi Burundi Bujumbura United Republic of Tanzania Dar es Salaam dodoma Kenya Nairobi Angola Luanda Zambia Zambia Lusaka Malawi Malawi Malawi Lilongwe Mozambique Maputo Madagascar Tana. Comoros Union Moroni Seychelles Republic of Seychelles Victoria Republic of Mauritius Port Louis Mauritius. Zimbabwe Republic Zimbabwe Harare Botswana Botswana Gaborone Namibia Namibia Windhoek Swaziland Swaziland Kingdom Swaziland Kingdom Swaziland. Kingdom of Lesotho Maseru Republic of South Africa Pretoria Cape Town Australia Canberra Federation. Independent State of Papua New Guinea port moresby port moresby Solomon Islands Honiara Vanuatu Port Vila Republic of Vanuatu. New Zealand Wellington Fiji Islands Suva Tonga Kingdom Nuku 'alofa Nauru Republic Nauru Aaron Yar En District Kiribati Kiribati Tarawa Tuvalu Funafuti Samoa Independent State Samoa Apia Apia Federated State Sta, Micronesia Federated States Tesmicronesia palikir palikir Marshall Islands Republic Marshall Islands Majuro Palau Palau korol korol Ottawa Canada USA. United States of America Washington Mexico City Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Republic Guatemala Belize belmopan belmopan El Salvador San Salvador Honduras Tegucigalpa Nicaragua Managua M Anagua Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica San Jose Panama Panama Panama Panama Panama Cuba Havana, Cuba. The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas, Dominican Prince of the Republic of Haiti * * * Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Jamaica Kingston Kingston Saint Kitts and Nevis Federated States Bastel Bastel Bastel Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda St. John Dominican Federated States Rosso Rosso Saint Lucia Castries Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingston Grenada St. George Barbados Bridgetown Trinidad and Tobago Republic Port of Spain Spain Colombia Republic Goren. Biya Bogota Ecuador Ecuador Republic Ecuador Quito Venezuela Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Caracas Caracas Guyana Cooperation Republic Guyana Georgetown Suriname Suriname Paramaribo Alamaribo Peru Peru Lima Bolivia Republic Sue. Clay Sucre Paraguay Paraguay Republic Asunció n Argentine Republic Buenos Aires Uruguay Eastern Republic Uruguay Montvid Brazil Federated Republic Brasilia Chile Santiago All countries in the world have their own national treasures, some are rare animals and some are precious plants; Some are ancient cultural relics, some are ancient buildings; Some are jewels and works of art, and some are literary masters. These national treasures are specially protected by the host country. Most of them are priceless and become the pride and symbol of the country. Royal Chitwan National Park in southern Nepal is a mountainous country, which is rich in one-horned rhinoceros, a rare animal in the world. Rhino is the second largest animal on land after elephant. In the international market, a one-horned black rhinoceros is worth 300 million yuan. Its high value is mainly because its horns, teeth, bones and blood are of high medical value and are regarded as treasures by oriental doctors. Rhinoceros horn has the functions of clearing away heat and toxic materials and cooling blood, and the effect is very obvious. The price of a rhinoceros horn is 6,543,800 yuan. It is said that goblets made of rhinoceros horn can also identify whether wine is poisonous. The Nepalese government has always regarded this rare animal as a national treasure. Hunting is strictly prohibited, and rhinoceros horn is listed as a medicinal material prohibited by the state. Offenders will be executed. Myanmar, located in the west of zhina Peninsula, contains more than 75% teak resources in the world. This kind of wood has the characteristics of solid texture, vibration resistance and small shrinkage, and is the first-class material in shipbuilding and construction industry. Because teak has delicate wood and beautiful patterns. It is often used to make exquisite furniture and carving techniques. The resplendent palace towers, resplendent temples, quaint and elegant pagodas and vivid and diverse Buddha statues in Mandalay, the ancient capital of Myanmar, are all made of teak. Therefore, as early as 1752, teak was declared as a "royal tree" by the king of Myanmar, and teak was regarded as a national treasure by successive governments. It is strictly forbidden to cut trees indiscriminately. It is expressly stipulated that teak with DBH above 1.22 meters shall be peeled and registered, and cut down and shipped according to the marks. Seychelles is an island country in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 92 large and small islands. It is a country with beautiful scenery and one of the few places in the world to maintain its original ecology. On Plasland Island, the second largest island in Seychelles, there is a unique virgin coconut grove in the world, which is called underwater coconut by locals. This kind of coconut is a treasure among coconuts. It grows slowly, but it has strong vitality. A coconut tree can live for more than a thousand years. Generally, the fruit begins at the age of 25, and can continue to bear fruit for more than 850 years. A coconut tree can bear dozens of fruits at a time, each weighing 30 kilograms. Coconut trees on the seabed are dioecious, and the fruit of male coconut trees is slightly curved and long, reaching more than 1 meter. The fruit of a female coconut tree is like a woman's pelvis and as big as a basin. When traveling in Seychelles, you can often see male and female coconut fruits painted on the doors of public toilets to show the difference between male and female toilets. At present, there are more than 4,000 undersea coconut trees on Plath Bluebird Island, some of which are as high as more than 30 meters, all of which are hundreds of years old, and some even reach the Millennium, and they are still lush and fruitful. According to botanists' research, submarine coconut, like Metasequoia glyptostroboides in China, is a living fossil left over from the long process of biological evolution, and its stone is a precious raw material for handicrafts. Things are rare, and a coconut fruit under the sea is worth two or three hundred dollars. The Seychelles government has officially designated the submarine coconut as a national treasure, and Plasland Island has been designated as a nature reserve. No one is allowed to pick them and smuggle them out of the country. Angkor Wat, a world-famous cultural ancient city, is regarded as a national treasure by Cambodian people. Angkor Wat Temple is the oldest and largest ancient temple in Cambodia and the best preserved temple. Built in 12~ 13 century, there are more than 600 buildings of various types. It is said that during the construction of Angkor Wat Temple, as many as150,000 migrant workers were recruited. The heaviest stone used for building materials is 8 tons, but it doesn't need any adhesive. Angkor Wat is a particularly obvious pattern on the Cambodian national flag. In the museum in Salisbury, Zimbabwe, there are five "Zimbabwe islands" symbolizing Zimbabwe's national culture, carved with soft soapstone. These birds, ranging in height from 20 cm to 30 cm, stood on the soap column 1~2 m long, each with its own charm, reflecting the religious beliefs of Africans at that time. These birds are Zimbabwe's national treasures, and the island is also marked on the country's flag and currency. China Tang tri-colored glazed pottery is named after its founding in the Tang Dynasty, with yellow, green, white or red, green and white glazes as the main colors. The national treasure in the Syrian National Museum is a tri-colored pottery figurine of the Tang Dynasty in the 9th century. Terracotta warriors and horses were dressed as Mongolian cavalry, with swords in their right hands and shields in their right. The pottery figurines are vivid and unique in shape, novel and delicate in color and bright in glaze, which embodies the high level of ancient Chinese pottery art. Syria printed this national treasure into stamps, postcards and color photos for sale in large quantities. Why does the Syrian government attach importance to this art treasure? This is because it is a witness that Damascus has become an important passage of the Silk Road. According to local historical records, around 1 15 A.D., China's silk and ceramics first spread to Damascus and then to Rome. South Africa, located at the southern tip of the African continent, has given birth to rare diamond deposits because of its unique orogeny and geographical characteristics. Since 1866, a South African girl found a diamond with a net weight of 2 1.5 carats in Hejie River, which immediately set off a diamond fever. People gathered on both sides of the river and dug everywhere. 1935 found the largest giant diamond since excavation, with a net weight of 3025 carats. People regard it as a national treasure from now on. Iran, an ancient civilization, is famous for its rare treasures. Guang Hai, one of the top five polished diamonds in the world, is the most famous Iranian gem and national treasure. "Guang Hai" is a very old gem in the world. It is a sister diamond with "Guangshan" and its hometown is in India. 1739 was taken from India to Persia as a trophy by Nadir of Persia. Later, "Guangshan" fell into the hands of the British and became the jewel in the crown of the British king. 1902, the "Sea of Light" also became the jewel in Muffar Ude, which was the exclusive crown of King Dante. It weighs 182 carats and sleeps in the jewelry hall of the underground treasure in central Tehran. Unique is the national treasure of France. France's national treasure is not a thing, but a woman writer named Colette. Colette's novel Coventry at School immediately caused a sensation in Paris. In the second edition of the novel, the name "Ke Fenting" is a household name. Later, Colette wrote dozens of works such as Coventry in Paris, which were dedicated to the French people and the world, thus winning people's respect. 1954, Colette died, and the government made an exception and held a grand state funeral for her, calling her "the national treasure of France". Many other countries in the world also have national treasures, such as Portuguese cork, Thai elephant, British crown, Greek Venus, Ghana's golden stool, Egyptian pyramids, Japanese Jian Zhen monk statue, China's Yongle Bell and so on. In addition, there is not only one national treasure in many countries. For example, in addition to teak, there is also Tacheng Gump in Myanmar.