After dinner, Dong Fangshuo said, "There are public fields, fish ponds and reed ponds somewhere. I won't say anything unless your majesty gives them to me." Emperor Wu promised again.
So he said, "This animal is called Fang. If something comes to surrender in the distance, fangs will appear first. Its teeth are the same before and after, the same size, and there are no big teeth, so it is called fangs. "
Later, after a year or so, the Huns mixed evil king really led 100 thousand people to the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu gave Dong Fangshuo a lot of money.
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Personal data:
Dong Fangshuo, a Shandong legend, is proficient in literature and history, so he volunteered. He presented two cars of bamboo slips and essays, and put forward complete suggestions on governing the country, diplomacy and security, which made Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sit up and take notice.
However, Dong Fangshuo has never been used. Dong Fangshuo's ambition is hard to be rewarded, and his talent is hard to show. He is puzzled. Deliberately mocking the government affairs with funny humor does not violate the scale of Emperor Wu.
Emperor Wu has a strong personality and is very strict. However, Dong Fangshuo relented and laughed it off. In this wonderful relationship, this pair of monarch and minister have been with each other for more than ten years.
With the victory over Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty expanded himself, and ordered to sweep the cave and cultivate the court to expand the territory. The endless war has brought a heavy burden to the people. Dong Fangshuo's exhortation turned into harsh words, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could no longer listen. Soon after, he passed away.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Dong Fangshuo