Shadow Moon Valley Lingyi Island, the prestige worship of Lingyi young dragons can buy various styles of Lingyi young dragons.
Zangarmarsh's popularity worship can buy hippogryph.
The reputation worship of Bones Wasteland can buy empty rays.
The auction house can buy various colors of golems, jewels, leopards, flying carpets and engineering planes.
Xianglong prestige worship can buy Xianglong.
PS: Generally, what you can buy is not very good-looking, so it is better to brush it out from the copy. For example, the Lich King of Bingguan Castle is invincible; Kael'thas, the storm fortress, lost a phoenix; Audoul Yougesalon dropped his nose; Eragon, the treasure house of Mogu Mountain, lost the Starlight Dragon; There are also five people-oriented achievements, 10 people-oriented achievements, and 25 people-oriented achievements of various dragons, which are also very beautiful. hope this helps