Cpu Intel Celeron D356(loose)375 *(65 * (65nm process, 3.3G main frequency, 5 12KB L2 cache, lower power consumption and better performance) *
Motherboard P5SD2-x 590
Graphics card Xiaoying 7300GT-GT3 499 * (manufacturing process 0.08μ m memory type DDRIII core frequency 450MHz memory frequency 1200mhz memory 128mb memory 128bit bit width) *
Memory weigang VDATA 5 12MB DDRII667 (colorful) 340
Hard disk maituo DiamondMax Plus9 80G 7200 350
Pioneer DVD-227190 * (2M cache of SATA interface) *
Monitor Samsung 7 1 1N (black) 1470
Chassis Patriot 309A * (with 300W Pentium IV power supply) * 249
Key and Mouse Set Great White Shark SK-747 45
Radiator cool extreme ice exquisite (silent version) 60
Total 4 168
The whole machine is black and looks cool.
If you are a student, you can trust me to choose the configuration for you. I have helped my classmates match the plane many times. If this configuration is not the most cost-effective in the 4000 yuan level, I don't recommend it. Think about it!