Fake jewelry satisfies people's love of beauty. But the fake always seems to be fake. Such a big string of diamonds, such a thick bundle of gold chains and a pearl hanging on them are bigger and more complete than the one where Cixi died, and are also suitable for ordinary people. No one doubts that it is not borrowed or stolen.
Fake cigarettes, fake wine, fake drugs and fake food are all scary. Unfortunately, there are industrial alcohol and dichlorvos in the wine and drugs in the smoke. Maybe there are some dirty things in food and drink, so let your imagination play. And fake drugs drag people to death and blame themselves for their poor lives. When they die, they are still a dead fool.
Someone came back from a visit abroad, holding precious photos for people to see, proudly standing between Bush and the Queen of England, holding one hand in each hand. This honor is enviable. Look carefully, alas, wax man! Although it's just a joke, it always makes people feel cheated and can't be felt for a long time.
Even couples can forge their green card accounts on the grounds of wealth and prosperity. What are they afraid of? But not everything copied, replaced and borrowed is hateful and despised, and some are accepted and loved by people.