JD。 COM's self-operated stores refer to JD.COM. COM takes the goods from its partners, and then builds its own warehouse and self-stores. If you sell it, you will build your own logistics distribution and be responsible for your own profits and losses. I would never mess up my brand image and reputation with fake goods. Compared with other e-commerce platforms, JD.COM. COM's self-operated goods are basically genuine, so the goods purchased in JD.COM can be completely assured.
JD.COM is a self-operated shop. You know from the name that this businessman is JD.COM himself. Just like a large supermarket, everything is an agent. Manufacturers can sell their products to JD.COM Mall or cooperate with JD.COM to supply to JD.COM. The official flagship store is similar to Taobao's merchants, and JD.COM Mall is my platform. Just like in a supermarket, many counters are actually not supermarkets.