Shoulder: Summon the magic master to shoulder pad (Sunwell Gemini Waterfall) > Seek knowledge from shoulder pad (Sunwell Gemini Waterfall) > T6 shoulder (grandmother of Dark Temple Waterfall) enchant aldo/Skrill worship (critical strike).
Necklace: Sun Pendant for Jewelry (Sun Well Monster) > Free Magic Necklace (Sunwell Gemini Falling) > Nature Compassion Brooch (box from Zuaman)
Cloak: antonidas's Broken Cloak (Kilgardan falls from the Sunwell) > Elf Cloak (Illidan falls from the Dark Temple) > Volan Hughes Cloak (Honor Exchange) Enchant 20 Spells Penetration.
Clothes: the tailor's robe of the sun's light (monster of the sun well) > the robe of bitterness (longing for falling from the sun well) > the coat of the magic conqueror (longing for falling from the sun well): 6 attributes.
Wrist cuff: T6> Tailor's Sharp Thinking Wrist Brace > Enchant 15 damage to broken wrist armor (Rage Winterchill in Mount Hyjal).
Gloves: the hand guard desecrated by the eternal life (Kilgardan fell from the Sunwell) > the tailor's hand guard with solar inflammation (the monster from the Sunwell came out) > Terry's powerful gloves (Kilgardan fell from the Sunwell) were damaged by the enchantment for 20 points.
Belt: T6> tailor's impact belt > the bondage of herons (herons in Mount Hyjal)
Legs: disaster leggings (sun well cloth falling) > elemental energy leggings (Kaz'rogal in Mount Hyjal) > fierce fighting breeches (sun well old 1 out of the dust of the sun) enchanted golden runes (auction house)
Shoes: T6> Magic Boots (brand change) > Call Sea Slippers (Dark Temple Old 1) firmly enchanted.
Ring: Almighty Ring > Z Jewellery Casting Energy Ring > Seamount Sacrifice Ring Enchant 12 spell damage (Enchant specialization)
Ornaments: Changing Lu Na Slice (Sunwell Muru Waterfall) = Gourdain's skull (Illidan Waterfall comes from the Dark Temple) > Witchcraft's skull.
Weapons: Sun Moxibustion (falling from the Sun Well Kilgadan)+Black Book (falling from Mount Hyjal 1) > Great Magician's Riptide Staff (Sun Well Old 3) > GT; Sardou, the Devourer's Staff (Illidan, the Fallen Temple) is enchanted and takes 40 damage.