There are not many real old beeswax in the world, and it is not convenient to trade and exchange, which is not recognized by the international community, especially regionalization. Therefore, from a market perspective, the collection value is greater than the market transaction value. This sentence means that if you have the best, don't give up.
When buying beeswax, it should be natural and pure, oily in texture, bare in substance, without artificial dyeing, intact and without cracks or fragments. Top grade beeswax has a shiny appearance, clean and restrained: spun silk, moire, tiger pattern, weathered pattern and ice crack; Hole oxidation, gold scattering in the core or explosion; Having two or more colors; Soft color, bright without losing the sense of simplicity, light oily and elastic; Light and shadow shine as if there is nothing, or there are mountains and rivers, strange realms and so on.