Compared with other high fashion, women may spend more on luxury handbags, partly because, unlike other clothes, good bags are easier to preserve their value, and some bags have even increased in the past few years. Next, I sorted out what styles of handbags are popular in autumn and winter in 2020. I hope you like this article!
Mini bag
Ultra-small bags are not carried independently. Instead, they are packed in large and medium-sized bags, usually in contrasting colors. Most of these bags are elegantly worn on the body, or tied on the belt like a necklace, which blurs the boundary between jewelry and bags, but the wallet looks more like a traditional Fendi flip bag and even has a small handle.
Quilted bag
Quilted leather is a common process for luxury wallets. This time, the quilting on the bag was given extra softness, just like the coat we saw in the exhibition hall.
Coarse chain bag
Chain is the main content of handbag trend in autumn 2020, just like shoes and other accessories. They add a sense of roughness and industrial flavor to high-class fashion bag. Decorative chains are an important part of this season's 2 1 show, including suitcases. The thicker silver chain replaced the hardware fittings on the belt buckle. It's not that there is anything wrong with the chain belt. Because the striking thick chain belt is in sharp contrast with the slim streamlined wallet.
Fringe bag
The swaying feeling and sound of tassel decoration will add joy to your daily life. In the bag, it is softer than the clothes on the clothes. In line with the tassel theme on the show, we saw many tassel bags in the autumn of 2020.
Environmental protection bottle bag
As designers pay more and more attention to sustainable design, another problem is how fashion can help people live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. One way is to carry a reusable water bottle in a special bag at any time.
Retro coin purse
There are many retro coin purse designs in this season's fashion show, especially the popular clutch bag. These handbags are essentially small handbags with kiss buttons or magnet buttons at the top.