Back home, Shen Cong took out her ring and proposed to Rowling. After their touching, Rowling left. Then Zhuge appeared to attack Shen Cong and seize the stone. Shen Cong was poisoned by poison gas. Then Zhuge told him that Rowling was not Lingling, but a killer sent by Tiesen. Shen Cong was greatly stimulated. Zhuge used his emotional disorder to kill him. Rowling turned to protect him and threatened Zhuge not to hurt Shen Cong with stones. Zhuge was jealous and reluctant to leave Rowling. She learned that Shen Cong knew his true identity was painful and left Rowling sadly. Bring fake stones back to life. Tiesen has discovered that she has two minds. Rowling was wounded by Tiesen when she attacked him. Shen Cong rushed to rescue Rowling at the right time. On the other hand, he accused Tiesen of what he had done. When Shen Cong confronted Tiesen, Zhuge took the opportunity to sneak attack on Shen Cong Rowling and died to save Shen Cong. From then on, Shen Cong broke off relations with Thyssen. Shen Cong put Rowling's body on a bamboo raft by the river, taking away all his affectionate love ... Tiexiong was put under house arrest by Tiesen to protest Tiesen's hunger strike. Tiexiong said that one day we should strike Tiesen to stop him from making mistakes. Before his death, Pearl Krabs received a letter from Ye Ming, asking her to meet under the old tree. Pearl Krabs gladly kept the appointment. A Ding designed a motorcycle navigation map for Ye Ming, which I love beyond words. Then he, Baoyun and Ross found Tiexiong and Rowling missing and looked for them separately.
After escaping from home, Tiexiong, who was imprisoned, hurt Zhuge and smashed all the articles related to Tiesen in grief and anger. At this time, Pearl Krabs came to Tiexiong's house and told her that the news of Ye Ming's sudden death made her unable to accept Zhuge leading the people to Tiexiong's house. The clouded leopard also rushed to Zhuge and Tiexiong to fight. The clouded leopard was injured, so the three of them had to flee first. They came to master Zhao's ancient temple to practice Tiexiong, and learned from master Zhao that Tiesen believed in himself when he was young. His father, Tiesen, did not completely die of human nature. The fact that Tiesen was X built a wall between Tiexiong and Pearl Krabs. They decided to take a break from each other to heal their wounds ... Pearl Krabs and the clouded leopard sneaked into X headquarters. Tiexiong was worried about following safely, and the three were captured by Tiesen again. Shen Cong traded the fourth emerald for Tiesen's ecstasy to save everyone. Finally, you can realize your own research experiment.
Pearl Krabs and clouded leopard sneak into X headquarters, Tiexiong is worried about safety, and the three are captured by Tiesen again. In order to save everyone, Shen Cong traded the fourth piece of green Shi Tian for Tiesen's ecstasy. His own research experiment has finally come true. He personally watched this historic moment with Tiexiong, and the treatment of Shi Tian, which is composed of four stones, finally began to float. Sure enough, Tiexiong's family of three finally got together, but in a short time, Piaomao couldn't bear the huge energy of Shi Tian, and Tiesen lost control and went crazy, hurting Tiexiong. The bear grabbed it and ran out the door. Shen Cong, Tie Sen and Tie Xiong had a life-and-death duel with Zhuge. Zhuge was defeated and died. Tiesen fell from the sky, was seriously injured and was in a coma because he couldn't bear the huge energy of Shi Tian. Tiexiong promised to take care of him for life before he got sick. When all the events finally ended, Shen Cong left and decided to go back to the Snow Mountain to continue his research work, while the "unique team" went out to sea and threw Shi Tian into a deep ditch, hoping to bury it with all the misfortunes in the deep sea. At the seaside, everyone said goodbye.