#R indicates that the font at the back is red.
#G indicates that the font at the back is green.
#B indicates that the font at the back is blue.
#K indicates that the font at the back is black.
#Y indicates that the font at the back is yellow.
#W indicates that the font at the back is white.
#b indicates that the font behind it is flashing.
# c+ six numbers or A-F letters to customize the color, for example: c008000= dark green.
#u+text+#u Text is underlined.
#n All text states are back to normal.
#r word wrap.
# # Output a # sign.
2. Red #cFF0000
3. Green #c00FF00
4. Blue #c0000FF
5. Peony Red #cFF00FF
6. cyan #c00FFFF
7. Yellow #cFFFF00
8. Black #c000000
9. Blue Ocean #c70DB93
10, chocolate color #c5C33 17
1 1, blue and purple #c9F5F9F
12, brass color #cB5A642
13, bright gold #cD9D9 19
14, brown #cA67D3D
15, bronze #c8C7853
16, No.2 bronze #cA67D3D
17, sergeant uniform blue #c5F9F
18, cold copper color #cD987 19
19, copper #cB87333
20. Coral Red #cFF7F00
2 1, purplish blue #c42426F
22. Dark brown #c5C4033
23, dark green #c2F4F2F
24, dark patina #c4A766E
25, dark olive green #c4F4F2F
26, dark blue #c9932CD
27, deep purple #c87 1F78
28. dark slate blue #c6B238E
29. Dark lead gray #c2F4F4F
30, dark brown #c97694F
32. Deep turquoise #c7093DB
33. Dark wood color #c855E42
34, light gray #c545454
35. Earth ash rose #
36. Feldspar color #cD 19275
37. Refractory brick color #c8E2323
38. Forest Green #c238E23
39. Gold #cCD7F32
40, bright yellow #cDBDB70
4 1, gray #cC0C0C0
42, copper green #c527F76
43, cyan #c93DB70
44. Hunter Green #c2 15E2 1
45. Indian Red #c4E2F2F
46, khaki #c9F9F5F
47. Light blue #cC0D9D9
48, light gray #cA8A8A8
49. Light blue #c8F8FBD
59. Light wood color #cE9C2A6
60. Lime Green #c32CD32
6 1, orange #cE47833
62. Chestnut #c8E236B
63. China Hailan #c32CD99
64. Medium blue #c3232CD
65. Forest Green #c6B8E23
66. Medium bright yellow # cEAEAAE
67, medium orchid color #c9370DB
68. China Shipping Green #c426F42
69. Medium slate blue #c7F00FF
70. Chun Lv #c7FFF00
7 1, medium turquoise # c70ddbdb
72, fuchsia #cDB7093
73. Medium wood color #cA68064
74, dark blue #c2F2F4F
75, navy blue #c23238E
76. Neon basket #c4D4DFF
77. Neon powder #cFF6EC7
78. New dark blue #c00009C
79. Xintan #cEBC79E
80. Deep golden yellow #cCFB53B
8 1, orange #cFF7F00
82. Orange #cFF2400
83. Lavender #cDB70DB
84, light green #c8FBC8F
I hope this helps.