Yongjila-Communication has evolved into Alakazam.
Dragon Stone-Communication Evolved into Dummies
Haunter-Communication evolved into Gengar.
Machoke-Communication evolved into Machamp.
Rock snake-evolved into a big steel snake by communicating with steel armor.
Flying mantis-communicating with steel sleeve and evolving into steel mantis.
3D Dragon Snake-With the upgrade card, communication evolved into -3D Dragon Snake 2.
3dDragon 2-Communication with weird components evolved into 3dDragon Z.
Sea Spinosaurus-led the long forest to communicate and evolved into Hipposaurus.
Kong idiot-With the king's certificate, communication evolved into Slowking.
Mosquito Repellent Frog-Holding the King's Certificate, Communication Evolved into the King of Bullfrog.
Tyrannosaurus rex-communication in protective coat evolved into Tyrannosaurus rex in heavy armor.
Electabuzz-communication with power box has evolved into-electric Warcraft.
Duck-billed dragon-communicated with the magma chamber and evolved into a duck-billed Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The night giant-a communicator in a cloak of the spirit world evolved into a man of the night.
Pearl oyster-has deep-sea teeth/scales. Communication has evolved into-Oguchi Takashi/Sakura Eel.