First, since ancient times, a gentleman has been accompanied by a tiger.
Numerous corrupt officials have been executed in the history of our country, but Wang Jian is an exception. When Wang Jian led his army to Chu, he was crazy? I sincerely asked the king of Qin for the reward of the land, but the team returned to Korea, not just because? Taking bribes and bending the law? He went to prison, but he got rid of the fate of being cooked by a dead rabbit and a dead dog and died well. Does it mean that Qin likes corrupt officials? Of course not. Wang Jian is a smart man, so smart that he is outrageous. From his ability to win the title with a personal letter from the King of Qin to his use of double agents to get rid of the famous Li Mu and Aeschylus. Throw stones for fun? Paralyzed Chu Jun, defeated Xiang Yan, we can see that he is good at calculating, and? Greedy field? He did it on purpose, too, so as to reassure the suspicious king of Qin.
Since ancient times, a gentleman has accompanied him like a tiger. Wang Jian has been accompanying Zheng for many years. The monarch who grew up watching himself really has no knowledge. He knows that the boss is suspicious by nature, and even if he has the power to destroy the country, he is only a minister. When the monarch is unhappy, it is not a piece of cake to find an excuse to commit suicide. Therefore, in order to dispel the doubts of Ying Zheng and the King of Qin, Wang Jian can only deliberately covet this fertile land mansion. Begging? Where is wealth, but to avoid being killed.
Second, learn from the past and learn from the future.
It is not difficult to find that it is called by future generations? Four famous soldiers in the warring States period? Lian Po, Li Mu, Tian Lei and Wang Jian, except Wang Jian, Lian Po died of depression in his hometown; Bai was suspected by the king of Qin and was executed; Li Mu was deceived by Wang Jian and killed by Zhao Wang. What happened to the three of them? Tragedy? Good handwriting. And those three people are so miserable, not because? The gap between monarch and minister? , that is? The villain framed it? Wang Jian was made Marquis and was rewarded by the King of Qin for his outstanding exploits. If the King of Qin thinks he is the Lord of Gao Zhen, it is easy to kill him. Therefore, Wang Jian invited Tian more, not only to reassure the king of Qin that he would not rebel despite his illness, but also to tell the treacherous court official above the imperial court that he had no further thoughts, so as to avoid being slandered by the villain and suffering from accidents.