The king of Chu said, "He Shibi became the Shuang Bao of Chu. It is true that this beautiful jade is rare in the world, but King Wen regards this jade as a national treasure in order to recruit talents from all over the world. During the Li Wang period, the country was in turmoil; They didn't care about jewelry when the king of Wu made an expedition to the west. It was not until King Wen's period that the national situation became stable. A gentleman is better than jade, and a king of letters wants to recruit talents from all over the world. At that time, the sages of the northern countries still regarded me as a barbarian. King Wen preached Bian He and regarded the jade of Bian He as a national treasure, to show that I am a great treasure and recruit wise men. "
This situation continues, and Mi Yue is even more confused. Seeing that Chu Shang seemed to have no intention to explain again, she was a little scared after listening to the story again, so she tried to get Chu Shang to stay and continue talking with her. Then she said, "Father, I heard that He Shibi and the late master called me Chu Erbao, so was the late master later dedicated to the late king?"
The king of Chu shook his head and said, "That's true. Heshibi comes from Jingshan, also known as Jingshanyu. However, the accompanying bead also has another name, called the spirit snake bead, which was given to the accompanying bead by the spirit snake. "
Mi Yue got up and became more interested: "Really, snakes also offer pearls?"
The king of Chu also knew that she was a little scared when she heard Cui's story, so she also used the story of the late Lord to drive away her fear. "When I was walking with Hou, I saw a big snake split in two," said the service road. I saw that the snake was not dead, so I asked someone to give it medication and let it go home. A year later, when Hou was on the boat, he was caught in a storm. A snake presented a big bead in the water. Beads are full of size, and the night is as bright as the moon. He can have a candle room. Go with Hou to praise the governor ... "
Mi Yue opened her big eyes and asked, "Then what?"
However, the merchants of the king of Chu refused to mention it. They quickly said, "Later I joined the country in Chu, and then I went to the Chu Palace with my late master."
Mi Yue thought for a moment, then sighed lightly: "Alas, just wait."
The king of Chu asked, "What's the matter? What do you know? "
"If you don't show off, you won't be robbed ..." Mi Yue said.
King Shang of Chu smiled and said, "My opinion. This is a world full of struggles. During the Spring and Autumn Period of Confucius, there were countless princes who killed their country at thirty-six and died at fifty-two. It is inevitable that a big country will annex a small country, whether there is treasure or not. "
Mi Yue suddenly asked a track: "Why are the Emperors of Sui and Heshibi national treasures, and other pearls and jade are inferior?"
King Chu asked, "What do you think?"
Mi Yue looked down and thought hard. The king of Chu had said it casually, but she smiled when she saw it: "Can this be solved by a child like you?" Go to sleep. "
Mi Yue pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head, pondered, hesitated and said, "Father, you said that King Wen preached Bian River, and he regarded He Shibi as a national treasure in order to attract talents. My son seems to understand. Cui is a talented person. Does the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty mean that I am a very powerful Chu State? The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty was once the treasure of the Sui State, but I destroyed the Sui State and robbed the treasure. Boasting about being with Hou reminds people how powerful we are! Right? " At first, she hesitated. Later, she became more fluent. Finally, she took the arm of the king of Chu and lowered her eyes, expecting praise.
King Shang of Chu looked at Mi Yue with some surprise, and his expression was complicated.
The TV series The Legend of Mi Yue, the original novel The Legend of Mi Yue, the 60th plot.
Seeing that his face was different, Mi Yue turned his head anxiously: "Father, am I wrong?"
The king of Chu shook his head and said, "No, you're right. Are these your own ideas? " Mi Yue nodded quickly.
The king of Chu was silent, but his heart was already stirring. Isn't it true that the celestial phenomena are supernatural and the Tang Dynasty is ignorant and credible? She is so old and a daughter, so she has such an understanding. Prince Huai is afraid that she will never have such an understanding in her life. If you are a man, if you are a man, so much the better, alas!
He sighed in his heart. Seeing that he was silent, Chi Yue called again, "Dad." King Shang of Chu woke up and said, "You are right. Taking the Empress of Sui Dynasty as a national treasure is to show martial arts, and taking He Shibi as a national treasure is to promote virtue. Remember, the real Shuang Bao of Chu is not jewelry and jade, but the martial arts of sandwiches. " Mi Yue nodded.
The king of Chu touched her head and said, "Go to sleep. With the protection of your ancestor Ling Wei, you will sleep well and there will be no evil spirits invading. "
Mi Yue nodded, got into bed, lay down and closed his eyes. King Shang of Chu sat by and watched her fall asleep. Fengfang quietly put out the candle, leaving only the last one.
Mi Yue has closed her eyes, but her eyelids are still moving. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and poked her head out and asked, "Dad, He Shibi is here. What about the queen of Sui?"
King Shang of Chu pressed her head and said, "Go to sleep."
Mi Yue blushed and smiled: "Good dad, I can't sleep if you don't tell me."
The king of Chu said helplessly, "I gave it away."
Mi Yue zheng, "who did you give it to?" She thought for a moment and said, "Is it for her mother or for her mother?"
"Neither," said the king of Chu. "Don't ask. Go to sleep. "
Mi Yue finally asked, "Is the person my father sent the snake beads as cute as me?"
The king of Chu smiled and said, "Shame on you. I just said I was likable. " Well, you are the most likable girl. "I finally fell asleep, and then I stood up and walked out of the room.
He walked slowly on the cloister, but thinking of the question just now, he asked, "Is she as likable as me?"
He shook his head with a dark smile, but in his mind he couldn't help but recall the scene where the peach blossom girl smiled back and sighed secretly thirty years ago, and his heart seemed to soften. But I suddenly remembered the madness and cruelty of the queen that day, and I felt a little shudder.
But I heard a gentle voice in my ear asking, "Your Majesty, take care at night!" " A robe draped over him. He looked up, only to see the young woman smiling in front of him, her eyes full of tenderness, and her unhappy mood was smoothed by this gentle and considerate love.