Is the Hetian jade pendant sold by Xin Juyuan of Wumart Department Store in Xingtai, Hebei Province fake?
Although I haven't been to the place you mentioned, I knew it was a shopping mall as soon as I heard it, right? General shopping malls don't cheat consumers with fake goods, because the influence is too bad, but that doesn't mean you can buy with confidence. Hetian jade can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. The narrow sense refers to Hetian jade produced in Xinjiang, while the broad sense refers to those jade containing tremolite, such as Korean jade, blue sea jade and Russian jade. These jades are similar to Hetian jade. Even if you make an appraisal certificate, you will still write natural Hetian jade on it! However, the prices vary greatly, and almost all shopping malls use this method to sell generalized Hetian jade at high prices, making huge profits! They take advantage of the misunderstanding of Hetian jade by ordinary consumers, and make profits by saying that gold is valuable and jade is priceless, so be sure to think twice before buying!