"At that time, the Buddha was in King Snake City, a forest garden where squirrels and birds lived, named Veluvana. At that time, in the palace, the followers of the king gathered to discuss: "For the Buddha (son of Prince Sakyamuni; Buddha) Biku people, gold, silver and money are allowed; Buddhists accept gold, silver and money; Buddhists accept gold, silver and money. 』
At this time, the village chief of Manijuraga, who was present, said to the gathered crowd, "Gentlemen, don't just talk without practice. For Buddhists, gold, silver and money are not allowed; Buddhism and Buddhism do not recognize accepting gold, silver and money; Buddhists don't accept gold, silver and money; Buddhists gave up gold, silver, jewelry and money. 』
However, the village head of Manijuraga could not convince the crowd.
So the village head of Manichaeism came to the Buddha's place, bowed and sat down, and reported, "Dear Sir, in the palace, the followers of the king got together ... (He repeated all the above conversations) ... However, dear Sir, I couldn't convince the people at the meeting. Dear Lord, does my explanation conform to what the Buddha said? Or did I lie about the Buddha's words? Did I answer according to the Buddha's teaching method? Or will someone who speaks according to the Buddha condemn me like this? 』
"So, village head, this explanation is based on what Tathagata said, rather than falsely claiming Tathagata. You have answered according to the Tathagata's teaching method, and people who speak according to the Tathagata's teaching method can't accuse you like that. 』
"Village head, gold and silver money are not allowed to be given to Buddhists and Buddhists; Buddhism and Buddhism do not recognize accepting gold, silver and money; Buddhists don't accept gold, silver and money; Buddhists gave up gold, silver, jewelry and money. 』
"Village head, no matter who, if gold, silver and money are allowed, then for him, the five senses are allowed. For anyone who allows the pleasure of five desires, you can be sure that he has no essence of bhikkhu and Buddha. 』
"Village head, Tathagata once said: Those who need grass can get it; If you need wood more than the library, wood can be obtained; If you need a car more than the library, you can get it. However, the village chief Tathagata also said: Biku must never be allowed to accept or ask for gold, silver and money. 』」
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