And if the minister is rewarded, his position among the people around him will be greatly improved.
As long as Wang Chaohai exists, the gift of the emperor must be provided, even passed down from generation to generation, and cannot be damaged, otherwise it will be disrespectful, and it will be troublesome if someone else or the current emperor holds the handle.
Generally speaking, the emperor will give these things.
Sword, because the sword is majestic, special and conspicuous, because at that time, the place could not make weapons privately, and most soldiers used spears or guns, and most of them used swords with higher positions. Moreover, the sword given by the emperor will have a dragon pattern. When it is burned, what the emperor gives represents the emperor. There is a saying that the sword given by the emperor can only be acted after action.
Death-free gold medal, almost every dynasty has death-free gold medal, but in different forms. In the Han Dynasty, it was called Dan Shu Tie Voucher, and in the Qing Dynasty it was called Huang Ma Gua. Its function and significance are similar, mainly set by the emperor to stabilize the minister's heart. According to historical records, when Zhu Yuanzhang was in the Ming Dynasty, almost everyone who owned it was killed.
Gold and silver jewelry, land, cloth, war horses, utensils, antiques, anything that can be sent can be rewarded.
Women, even concubines and Song Renzong gave their concubines to Minister Song Qi, so Song Qi was called the history of having an affair.
And the royal title.