Once, a gentleman asked Zheng Banqiao to write a plaque. The gentry fawned on the government and did many bad things. Zheng Banqiao decided to play a trick on him, so he wrote four words: "Elegant smell and respect".
When painting the door plaque, tell the painter to draw only the left half of "elegance, strangeness and precision" and only the word "Wen".
After a while, the unpainted part of the plaque on the front door of Shen Hao Building became blurred, while the painted part became clear. From a distance, the original "elegance and respect" has become the homonym of "yamen lackeys".
2. Yu Tao has a lisp.
Zheng Banqiao once wrote in the autobiography of Banqiao: "Cool loves mountains and rivers. And lewd, especially the extra peach tongue, playing with Chili wind. But knowing that you are old and ugly, this generation will be good for my gold coins. There is a word related to foreign affairs, that is, it is not confused. "
Yu Tao's glib tongue and chili flavor are all insinuations of masculinity. I especially like men's colors, but because of ugliness, I often get close to him because of money. But he doesn't allow male prostitutes to interfere in his foreign affairs, or he will be fired. There is no delay in county governance because of male color.
He once advocated changing the buttocks in criminal law to the back. When I was a county magistrate, I once tried to whip a handsome gambler and almost cried in class.
3. Banqiao marriage
Zheng Banqiao's literary talent is unparalleled. It's a pity that he was poor in his early years. One day, he walked to the door of a family and realized that the couplet in front of the door was his own poem. Zheng Sheng asked Mrs Rao, the head of the household, what had happened. Mrs Rao said that her daughter loved Zheng Banqiao's works very much, and she said that she was Zheng Banqiao.
Mrs Rao immediately called her daughter Wuniang out and betrothed her to Zheng Banqiao. Later, Zheng Banqiao became the top student in high school, and they went to school together. The couple also loved each other all their lives.
5. Delicious dog meat
Banqiao decided to embellish it, stipulating that anyone who wants him to paint and write must pay a deposit first, which is quite interesting. At that time, many rich and powerful gentry decorated halls and were often proud of getting Banqiao paintings and calligraphy.
However, Banqiao did not crave fame and wealth, and was not afraid of power. He was the last person in his life to paint for those bureaucratic evil gentry, so it was inconvenient to declare in his old man's favor.
Once, a group of gentry used tricks and set a trap to get their paintings and calligraphy. They learned that Banqiao loves dog meat, so on the way he and his friends went out, they borrowed the villagers' hut to cook a pot of delicious dog meat and waited for Banqiao to pass by.
The host "smiled and treated each other with dog meat and wine." Banqiao had no doubts, drank heartily, and even praised wine and food. After dinner, the host set out Four Treasures of the Study and asked the adults to leave a couplet as a souvenir.
Banqiao deeply felt that he had a delicious meal today, and immediately agreed, got up and wrote, and asked the owner's name to pay the money in return for his kindness. After reading this book, I had a good time and went home.
Later, at a banquet, he accidentally found his calligraphy and painting hanging there, only to know that he had been cheated, and he regretted it very much and was insatiable.