First, the convenience of chalk has a wide range of chalk. If people can't buy the right moistureproof agent in time, they can go to a special store to buy a small box of chalk. Chalk can temporarily help jewelry contracts absorb water. If it is used for a period of time, it should be replaced in time. Otherwise, when it absorbs enough water, it may not play a very important role. Therefore, it is much more convenient for people to use chalk than other items, and it is very easy to buy, and its volume in the jewelry box is not large, so it is very convenient to use.
Second, jewelry loses its luster. All jewels need to be protected and maintained. If not carefully maintained, it may also lead to the oxidation of jewelry. Once the jewelry is oxidized, it will lead to its color feeling is not as good as before, and people will not be very happy when wearing it. It is better to avoid oxidation now than to make some repairs after oxidation. For example, put it in a dry and dark environment and put a piece of chalk in the jewelry box, which can play a perfect role.
Therefore, the chalk placed in the jewelry box of the jewelry store has certain value, rather than being put casually by the salesperson.