If jealousy has a stage, Zhu must be "the glory of the king". When he saw Julie with Xin Kai, he was jealous, but it was also the moment when his love woke up. He could only send dolls and bracelets, and even the medicine he received was thrown away on the grounds that it was overdue. On the road of jealousy, Zhu never lost. Zhu 108 Fancy Spoilers can have small classes besides being jealous. He will romantically light the night light on the roadside at night and when he is walking heartily, and say to heartily, "Come back later, and our king will light up your way home." He will pleasantly prepare a suitcase full of romantic balloons when dating with Kaihuai, and say to Kaihuai, "You can have whatever other girls have." It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a ten-level romantic scholar. He will also prepare slippers when he goes shopping again, and will grab a laundry list of dolls and hand them to Kaixin, telling her that she has his full love.
In this week's story, we left Wenxuan for further study alone in China, and our "spiral CP" also spent a year in a long-distance relationship. But the efficiency of "spiral CP" has never been out of control. Before going abroad, Wenxuan prepared a big diamond ring to propose marriage, and said to the giant panda romantically: The giant panda is open, I am hopelessly in love with you, and I am terminally ill.
When she came back from studying abroad, she not only gave her a surprise that she should promote writing first, but also grew her long hair. All the beautiful words in the world, such as tenderness, loveliness and intellectuality, can't describe her beauty. "Spiral CP" also returned to Wang Fu hand in hand, and all kinds of wonderful moments of getting along in the past emerged in front of us, and all the bits and pieces of the past were extremely precious.