Ganjiang and Mo Xie are two swords, but no one can separate them. Mo Xie and Gan Qiang are two people. Similarly, no one can separate them. Ganjiang and Mo Xie are two swords cast by Ganjiang and Mo Xie. Cadres are male swords, and Mo Xie is female swords. A good husband and Mo Xie's wife. He is diligent and Mo Xie is gentle. When the lieutenant made a sword for the prince of Wu, Mo Xie fanned the lieutenant and wiped his sweat. Three months later, the lieutenant sighed. Mo Xie also shed tears. Mo Xie know why lieutenant sigh, because the melting pot brings together five mountains and six rivers of gold and iron essence, no iron eagle can't cast a sword. Lieutenant also knows why Mo Xie shed tears, because if the sword can't be cast, he will have to be killed by the prince. The lieutenant still sighed, but one night, Mo Xie suddenly laughed. Seeing Mo Xie laughing, the lieutenant suddenly became afraid. Knowing why Mo Xie was laughing, the lieutenant said to Mo Xie, "Mo Xie, you must not do this." . Mo Xie didn't say anything, she just smiled. When the lieutenant woke up, he found that Mo Xie was not with him. He knows where Mo Xie is. Mo Xie stood on the towering sword-casting furnace wall, and her skirt fluttered like a fairy. Mo Xie saw the lieutenant's figure running from a distance in the morning light. She smiled, and she heard the general's hoarse voice: Mo Xie ... Mo Xie was still laughing, but at the same time, tears came down. The lieutenant also shed tears. In the hazy tears, he saw Mo Xie floating down. He heard Mo Xie finally say to him, Captain, I'm not dead. We'll still be together. ...
The molten iron melted and the sword was successfully cast. A man and a woman, named Mo Xie, only dedicated him to the king of Wu. The news that this cadre was hiding "Mo Xie" was soon known by the prince of Wu. The samurai surrounded the cadre and gave him up. He opened the sword box and asked in despair, "Mo Xie, how can we be together?" ? The sword suddenly jumped out of the box, turned into a beautiful white dragon and flew away. At the same time, the lieutenant suddenly disappeared without a trace The lieutenant is gone, and so is the "lieutenant" sword around the prince of Wu. Thousands of miles away in a desolate and poor county, a young white dragon suddenly appeared in a big lake called Yanpingjin. This white dragon is beautiful and kind, making decisions for the people, and the desolate poor county is gradually in good weather, and the name of the county is changed from poor city to rich city. However, locals often find that this white dragon looks around the lake in Yanping Tianjin almost every day, as if waiting for something, and some even see tears in its eyes.
Six hundred years have passed. By chance, Lei Huan, the magistrate of Fengcheng County, dug a stone box from the ground when he was building the city wall. There is a sword with the word "Ganjiang" engraved on it. Lei Huan was overjoyed and took away the famous sword. One day, Leihuan Road crossed the lake in Yanping, Tianjin, and the sword at the waist suddenly came out of its sheath and jumped into the water. Just as Lei Huan was surprised, the river surged and black and white Ssangyong jumped out of the water. Ssangyong nodded his thanks to Lei Huan frequently. Then, the two dragons intertwined affectionately, both of them dived into the water and disappeared. The people who lived in Fengcheng County for generations found that the White Dragon, which is said to have existed for more than 600 years, suddenly disappeared from the Golden Lake in Yanping, and shed tears every day. The next day, an ordinary couple moved to the county seat. Husband is an excellent blacksmith with superb skills, but he only forged ordinary farm tools with his heart, but refused to build weapons with the advantage of 1,000 yuan. When he works, his little wife is always around to fan him to wipe his sweat.