The first jewelry appraisal training jointly organized by Jiangsu Cultural Industry Education and Training Center and Nanjing University Jewelry Training Center will start on the 27th of this month. From now on, students can register at the third floor of Hua Hui Business Center, No.69 Beijing West Road. After passing the examination, the School of Continuing Education of Nanjing University will issue a certificate of completion of jewelry appraisal and evaluation.
References: /c? word = % C4 % CF % BE % A9 % 3B % B4 % F3 % d 1% A7 % 3B % D6 % E9 % b 1% A6 % 3B % BC % F8 % B6 % A8 & amp; URL =/a/20065 109504 1% 2Ehtml & amp; b = 0 & ampa=6 1。 User = Baidu