Nissan's neutral refills are best not to be used, and the lubrication degree of the nib is acceptable, but the harmful substances volatilized by Japanese brand refills are generally high, and children and teenagers with strong mental work are best not to use them.
There is not much difference between Chen Guang and Bai Xue, but there are many imitations of Chen Guang's brush, which should be bought in regular shops, and there are few imitations of Bai Xue.
Distinguish whether the refill is genuine or not, and see whether the transparent semi-solid of the pen oil is clear and transparent. If the impurities are yellow and blistered, it is a fake. Then look at the thickness of the plastic tube of the refill. It is obvious that the plastic tube is imitation, and the thickness of the plastic tube contains less water.
Medium pens in Korea are generally imitations on the market, with different quality.