One day, the king of dog country stole Diandian, the son of the king of rabbit country. The rabbit king was very angry and asked the cat country to go with him to attack the dog country and save a little. As a result, the dog country was defeated and saved a little.
The king of the dog country was not convinced and asked his ministers to give him advice. A prime minister said, "Together, the two countries can defeat our country. Why not let them break off their friendship and take the opportunity to defeat them? " The king of the dog country agreed, rewarded the prime minister with a lot of gold, silver and jewels, and sent someone to the rabbit country to say to the king, "Did you hear the king of the cat country say that you are a three-lipped man?" If you can help him beat other countries, he won't be friends with you! " After hearing this, King Rabbit flew into a rage and said angrily, "Still talking about me? Look at your self-care ability, who wants to be friends with you! " He told the dog king at once, and the dog king was secretly happy: Haha, my plan has been half successful. So he sent someone to the cat country and whispered in Elvis Presley's ear: "Did you hear that the rabbit king said that your self-care ability is surprisingly poor, so it is not rare to be friends with you!" Elvis Presley was also very angry after hearing this, so Elvis Presley and Rabbit King broke off their friendship. Where is the dog king? It took the opportunity to easily capture the rabbit country and the cat country.
King Rabbit and Elvis realized that they had been cheated and regretted it, but it was too late!