When Dafu was young, his mother died in an accident because she couldn't bear the news that her son was ill. Wang Xincheng raised Dafu alone and lived alone with his son. However, at this time, Wang Xincheng was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, and his life was only three to four months. How to arrange Dafu's life has become a major concern of Wang Xincheng day and night, and he even thought about leaving this world with Dafu.
After many inquiries and twists and turns, Wang Xincheng finally found an institution that can receive Dafu, only to find that Dafu was like a fish out of water in this cramped and monotonous environment and lost his life at once. Dafu love the water. Swimming in the aquarium where my father works every day is his happiest time. He also made his only friend here, Lingling, who performed acrobatics. Dafu became Lingling's best listener who wandered alone in a foreign land.