People are interested in clothes. No, a little beauty asked me the other day. Her face was square and round. Almost every woman has three or two pieces of jewelry. Some jewelry is suitable for specific occasions, and some jewelry is worn in daily life. Many women get pierced ears, so they buy a lot of earrings and wear them all the time. Earrings are made of various materials and styles. Today, experts will teach us how to choose earrings. Is the quality good or not? This is the gospel of every beautiful woman.
Compared with gold earrings and white gold earrings, the material of pure silver earrings is more reasonable. On the other hand, tremella in English is more harmonious than gold earrings and white gold earrings. They can be worn all year round and can be used in many forms. Choose the color of the right ear When it comes to the color of jewelry, many girls tend to ignore this, but don't underestimate the face of jewelry.
For jewelry, there are also corresponding colors. If the color is not suitable, it will cause the skin color to be dark, which will not illuminate the skin color and set off the effect. In short, people with warm skin are more suitable to wear gold jewelry, and people with cold skin are more suitable to wear silver jewelry. Refuse to wear grandiose earrings. Black, white and gray are easier to combine than bright colors. Similarly, for earrings, the more complex the color, the higher the color requirements for skin and clothes, especially the plastic molding is also excellent.