After pandaren, the income of various professional wizards is:
Jewelry: 320 Intelligence or 640 Green Attribute
Forging: 320 Intelligence or 640 Green Characters
Leather manufacturing: 330 intelligence
Tailor: Trigger 2000 intelligence 15 seconds, with an average of about 320 intelligence.
Alchemy: mixture 320 intelligence
Enchant: 320 intelligence or 320 hit.
Engineering:+1920 intelligence duration 10 second, 1 minute cd. The average intelligence is around 320
Inscription: 320 intelligence
Mining: 480 endurance
Herbs: +2880 haste lasts for 20 seconds, 2 minutes cd, with an average of 480 haste.
Skinning: 480 Critical Hit
There are several feasible schemes.
1. The enchantment can be kept, and the other one recommends a tailor, which is practical and economical, and can also refine gold inscriptions. Although it's cheap, it's still very troublesome without a trumpet. If you care about extra 10 intelligence, then practice skin. However, without peeling, tanning is purely a pit. . .
2. Keep digging, get the jewelry and the materials needed for forging together, and wash them into jewelry for forging. Improve sub-attributes+make money.
My mage 1 is a jeweler, and mage 2 is an enchanted tailor. The tailor caused a wave of explosion, which was very powerful.