In many cases, farmers' land rent is reduced to 30 tax, and even the land tax of the country for many years is exempted. He is filial to the elderly, honest and humble. He used to provide wine and meat to the elderly over 80 years old and daily necessities such as cloth to the elderly over 90 years old every month.
Before his death, Emperor Wendi arranged the last thrifty activity-his own funeral. In his testamentary edict, he denounced the custom of thick burial and demanded a simple funeral for himself. He thinks that life and death are natural laws, and there is nothing to be sad about. Coupled with the economic depression in the early Han Dynasty, everything was in full swing. Losing everything for a reburial will lead to great waste. Emperor Wen of Han always thought of the country and the people until his death. No wonder he is supported by the people.
Emperor Wen of Han asked that his cemetery should not be decorated with gold, silver, copper and tin, and expensive funerary objects should not be used. Mausoleum should be based on the original appearance of mountains and rivers, and simple cemeteries should be built according to local conditions. Large-scale construction is not allowed to change the original appearance of mountains and rivers. In order to avoid disturbing people and affecting production, Emperor Wendi of the Han Dynasty demanded that the length of mourning clothes and old regulations be reduced, and even stipulated that the mourning belt should not exceed three inches thick.
That is to say, why did the Red Eyebrow Army invade Chang 'an, and many emperors' tombs were dug, just because they didn't move the tombs of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty. Emperor Wendi is very popular among the people. After the Red Eyebrow Army occupied Chang 'an, all the tombs of the Western Han Dynasty were destroyed. Only Wendi's tomb has not been excavated. On the one hand, out of respect for him, he was afraid of being attacked by the people, but the deeper reason was that the tomb of Emperor Wendi could not be excavated, which was attributed to his being the first king who advocated thin burial in the ancient history of China.