Required painting tools: pencil, eraser, Gou Xianbi, colored lead, sketch paper.
The first step is to draw the outline of the gift box with a pencil. The gift box is characterized by a cube. Pay attention to the perspective of the cube, with the upper width and the lower width. This is a top perspective view of the cube. When the cube is finished, draw a pattern on it. The direction of the pattern should be along the lines of the cube.
The second step is to sketch the outline with Gou Xianbi. When sketching, you must be strong and not intermittent.
The third step is to thicken some heavier edge lines, and the flowers on the gift should be painted with basic light and shade, and represented by flat lines.
The fourth step is to color the lace of the gift box with colored lead bars. I use yellow and blue, you can also draw according to your favorite color or the color you want to express, and you must draw evenly.
The fifth step is to draw the overall light and shade of the gift box in blue, and then emphasize the dark part of the gift box in black. The two colors are superimposed together. Pay attention to the direction of the cable when drawing, don't mess it up.
Step six, you can draw a desktop for the gift box. Match the color of your desktop, but don't use blue or green. It is best to use complementary colors or contrasting colors.
Gift boxes can be effectively used for storage. They can store different items according to their size. For larger gift boxes, items that have not been used for a long time can be stored. For small gift boxes, it can be used to store jewelry, odds and ends and so on. With a little creativity, users can turn their ordinary gift boxes into novel and beautiful storage boxes for storing daily necessities.
The gift box is the embodiment of the soul. Without exception, our own love gifts or goods must be packaged in a way that can reflect the effect, whether it is romantic, mysterious, surprising or shocking. When you slowly open it, it's like opening the secret forest in your heart and showing him the different feelings you want to express. This is the meaning of the gift box.