Plural number: thief
Pronunciation: English [θi:f] and American [θif]
Definition: thief
Lexical collocation:
1, chasing thieves, chasing thieves [thieves]
Sentence a thief. Sentence that thief.
Step 3 stop a thief
4. Track the thief. Track the thief.
That? Thief? Used to be. Being followed? By who? Answer? Police. ?
The thief was caught by the police.
Extended data
1, thief
English [? b? :gl? (r)] Beauty [? b? :rgl? (r)]
Interpretation: n. thief; Thief; A thief who broke into houses
For example: The? Thief? Had it? Have you seen it? Through? All of them? That? Cabinet? And then what? Drawer ?
The thief searched all the cupboards and drawers.
2. Robbers
English [? r? b? (r)] Beauty [? rū:b? (r)]
Interpretation: robber, thief
For example: The? Robber? Robbed? That? Gems? And then what? Hey? Go away. ?
The robber snatched the jewels and ran away.