However, in rare cases, counterfeit goods cannot be ruled out. Whether it is a large shopping mall or a small shop, there may be fakes. After all, shopping malls can't verify the quality of every commodity. In addition, fake and shoddy products are also a global problem, not limited to individual businesses.
In order to protect their rights and interests, consumers can pay attention to the following points when buying jewelry:
1. Choose a regular shopping mall or brand store when buying, and the quality of goods sold by reputable merchants will generally be relatively guaranteed;
2. Pay attention to the quality marks, brand marks and trademark marks of products, and try to choose brands with existing popularity and reputation;
3. Check whether the product packaging is complete, whether the product label is complete and whether there are any defects;
4. Choose products with certificates as far as possible;
5. Carefully check the details of the goods, such as mosaic technology, metal texture, etc. , understand the relevant knowledge and skills.
In short, Friendship Shopping Mall, as a well-known shopping mall, should not sell fake goods under normal circumstances. However, as consumers, they still need to be cautious when buying jewelry, and choose according to their own judgment and relevant knowledge.