22. 1 definition
Violation is violation of the rules.
22.2 fine
Award the ball to the opposing team, and let the opposing team throw the ball at the place closest to the foul, except the place directly behind the backboard, unless otherwise stipulated in these rules.
Article 23 player out of bounds and ball out of bounds
23. 1 definition
23. 1. 1 When any part of a player's body touches the ground or anything on, above or outside the boundary except the player, the player is out of bounds.
23. 1.2 The ball is out of bounds when it touches the following objects:
Players out of bounds and any other players.
The ground or any object on, above or outside the boundary.
Anything on the backboard support, on the back of the backboard or above the playing field.
23.2 regulations
23.2. 1 Before the ball goes out of bounds, even before the ball touches something other than the player, the player who finally touches or is touched by the ball is the player who makes the ball out of bounds.
23.2.2 If the ball is out of bounds because it touches or is touched by the player, it is the player who makes the ball out of bounds.
23.2.3 In a ball game, if a player moves out of bounds or the backcourt, a jump ball occurs.
Article 24 dribbling
24. 1 definition
24. 1. 1 dribbling begins with the player who has gained control of the live ball on the court throwing, patting, rolling or dribbling the ball on the ground and touching the ball again before the ball touches another player.
The dribbling ends when the player's hands touch the ball at the same time or allow the ball to stay in one or both hands.
You can throw the ball into the air when dribbling, as long as the player touches the ground or another player before touching the ball again with his hand.
When the ball doesn't touch the player's hand, the number of steps the player can take is unlimited.
24. 1.2 A player accidentally loses the ball on the court and then regains control of the ball on the spot, which is considered as a missed catch.
24. 1.3 The following situations are not considered as dribbling:
Continuous shooting.
Missing at the beginning or end of dribbling.
Try to control the ball by hitting the ball with a racket near other players.
Slap a ball controlled by another player.
Intercept the pass and get the control ball.
As long as you don't violate the rules of taking the ball, throw it between your hands and let it stay in your hands before touching the ground.
24.2 regulations
A player may not dribble again after the first dribble unless he loses control of the live ball on the court between dribbles, because:
Shoot the ball.
Moved by the opposing team.
Pass or make a mistake, and then touch or be touched by another player.
Rule 25: Follow the ball.
25. 1 definition
25. 1. 1 When a player holds the ball on the court, one foot or both feet illegally move in any direction, which exceeds the limit stated in these rules.
25. 1.2 A player holding a live ball on the court takes one or more steps in any direction with the same foot, while the other foot (called the center foot) does not leave the contact point with the ground, which is a kind of rotation (legal movement).
25.2 regulations
25.2. 1 Establish a center foot for the player who catches the live ball on the court.
When standing on the ground with both feet:
-When one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the center foot.
When moving or dribbling:
-If one foot touches the ground, it will become the center foot.
-If both feet leave the ground and the player's feet touch the ground at the same time, the moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the center foot.
-If both feet are off the ground and the player lands on one foot, then the foot becomes the center foot. If a player jumps up that foot and stops landing at the same time, then neither foot is the center foot.
25.2.2 Bring the ball to the player who has controlled the live ball and established the center foot on the court.
When standing on the ground with both feet:
-Start dribbling, and the center foot must not be lifted before putting the ball.
-When passing or shooting, the player can jump up the middle foot, but neither foot can fall back to the ground before the ball is released.
When moving:-passing or shooting, the player can jump on the center foot and land on one foot or both feet at the same time. However, after one or both feet are lifted, neither foot should fall back to the ground until the ball is released.
-Start dribbling, and the center foot must not be lifted before putting the ball.
When stopping, neither foot is the center foot;
-Start dribbling, and neither foot can be lifted until the ball is released.
-When passing or shooting, you can lift one foot or both feet, but you must not fall back to the ground before the ball is shot.
25.2.3 Players fall, lie down or sit on the ground.
When a player falls to the ground or lies or sits on the ground with the ball, it is legal for him to gain control of the ball.
It is illegal for a player to slide, roll or try to stand up with the ball.
Rule 26: 3 seconds
26. 1 regulation
26. 1. 1 When the first team controls the live ball in the frontcourt and the game timing starts, the players shall not stay in the penalty area of the opposing team for more than 3 seconds.
26. 1.2 Players should default to the following situations:
He tried to leave the restricted area.
When he or his teammates shoot, the ball is leaving or just leaving the shooter's hand, he is in the penalty area.
He dribbled and shot in the penalty area for nearly three seconds.
26. 1.3 In order to prove that players are outside the penalty area, they must put their feet on the ground outside the penalty area.
Article 27 A closely guarded player
27. 1 definition
When a player holds a live ball on the court and the opposing player is in the active defensive position, the distance should not exceed 1 m, and the player should be strictly defended.
27.2 regulations
A well-defended player must pass, throw or dribble within 5 seconds.
Article 28: 8 seconds
28. 1 definition
28. 1. 1 The backcourt of a team consists of the inner part of the team's own basketball and backboard and the court part defined by the end line, two sideline lines and the middle line behind the team's own basketball.
28. 1.2 A team's frontcourt consists of the inside part of the opponent's basketball and backboard, and the court part defined by the end line, the two sideline lines behind the opponent's basketball and the inner edge of the center line closest to the opponent's basketball.
28. 1.3 When the ball enters the frontcourt of the team:
When the ball hits the frontcourt.
When the ball touches the body part and touches the player or referee in the frontcourt.
28.2 regulations
28.2. 1 Whenever a player gets a live ball in his backcourt, his team must make the ball enter his frontcourt within 8 seconds.
28.2.2 When the team that previously controlled the ball is sentenced to throw the ball into the backcourt due to the following circumstances, the remaining time shall be counted for 8 seconds:
The ball is out of bounds.
One player was injured.
The situation of jumping ball.
Both sides fouled.
The equal penalties of the two teams were offset.
Article 29: 24 seconds
29. 1 regulation
29. 1. 1 Whenever a player gets a live ball on the court, his team must try to shoot within 24 seconds.
In 24 seconds, take a shot:
Before the device signals within 24 seconds, the ball must leave the player's hand, and
After the ball leaves the player's hand, it must touch the basket or enter it.
29. 1.2 When a shooting attempt approaches the end of 24 seconds and the ball is in the air, the signal rings:
If the ball goes into the basket and there is no foul, you should ignore this signal and record the basket score.
If the ball touches the basket, but does not enter the basket and no foul occurs, this signal should be ignored and the game should continue.
If the ball touches the backboard (not the basket) or doesn't touch the basket, it's a foul, unless the opposing team immediately and clearly gets control of the ball, in which case, the signal should be ignored and the game should continue.
All restrictions related to interference scores and interference shall apply.
29.2 procedure
29.2. 1 If the referee stops the game for any justifiable reason unrelated to any team (24-second device reset error, etc.). ) or for reasons related to the opponent who controls the team, the new 24-second time and the ball right will be awarded to the team that previously controlled the ball.
However, if according to the referee's judgment, the opponent will be put at a disadvantage, the 24-second device should continue from the interruption time.
29.2.2 If the 24-second device sends an error signal when one team is in possession of the ball or neither team is in possession of the ball, the signal should be ignored and the game should continue.
However, if, according to the referee's judgment, the control team is already at a disadvantage, the game should be stopped, the 24-second device should be corrected and the ball awarded to the team.
You should award the ball to the opponent and throw it to the nearest place where the referee stops the game, except the place directly behind the rebound.
Thirtieth ball back to the backcourt.
30. 1 Definition 30. 1. 1 The ball enters the backcourt of a team when:
The ball hit the backcourt.
The ball touches a player or referee, and part of his body touches the backcourt.
30. 1.2 The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt. At that time, the players who controlled the on-site team were:
Touch the ball at the end of his frontcourt, and then the player or team member touches the ball first in his backcourt.
In his backcourt, he finally touches the ball, then the ball touches the frontcourt, and then the players in the backcourt touch the ball first.
This restriction applies to all situations in the team's frontcourt, including throwing the ball into bounds.
30.2 clause
Players who control the live ball must not let the ball illegally return to their backcourt.
3 1 bar interference score and interference
Definition of 3 1. 1
Shoot or make a free throw
Start: When the ball leaves the hand of the player who is shooting.
End: When the ball is in the following situations:
-Go directly into the basket from above and stay in it or pass through it.
-there is no longer the possibility of entering the basket.
-Touch the basket.
-Touch the ground.
-Turn into a dead ball.
3 1.2 adjustment
3 1.2. 1 Disturbance score occurs when shooting: when a player touches the ball completely above the basket level, and:
The ball is falling into the basket.
After the ball hit the backboard.
3 1.2.2 The interference score occurs at the free throw: when a player touches the ball flying to the basket and touches the front of the basket.
3 1.2.3 interference score limit applies to:
In pitching, the ball is no longer possible to enter the basket.
The ball hit the basket.
3 1.2.4 There is interference when shooting, when:
When the ball touches the basket or backboard, the player touches the basket or backboard.
The player reached through the basket and touched the ball.
When the ball is in the basket, the defender touches the ball or the basket to prevent the ball from passing through the basket.
The defender shakes the backboard or the basket and has stopped the ball from entering the basket according to the referee's judgment.
The attacking player shakes the backboard or basket to make the ball enter the basket according to the referee's judgment.
3 1.2.5 interference occurs: when making a free throw, when:
In a free throw (followed by further free throws), a player touches the ball, the basket or the rebound when it is possible for the ball to enter the basket.
In the last or only free throw, when the ball touches the basket or backboard, the player touches the basket or backboard.
The player reached through the basket and touched the ball.
In the last or only one free throw, the ball may enter the basket. After the ball has touched the basket, the defender shakes the backboard or basket. According to the referee's judgment, this method has prevented the ball from entering the basket.
In the last or only one free throw, the ball may enter the basket. After the ball has touched the basket, the defender shakes the backboard or basket. According to the referee's judgment, this means that the ball has been put into the basket.
3 1.2.6 The shot put is in flight, and:
After the referee blew his whistle.
After the clock signal rings at the end of the game.
Players are not allowed to touch the ball when it may still enter the basket after touching it.
All restrictions related to interference scores and interference shall apply.
3 1.3 fine
3 1.3. 1 If the attacking player fouls, no points will be scored. Award the ball to the opposing team and throw it on the extension line of the penalty line, unless otherwise stipulated in these rules.
3 1.3.2 If the defender fouls. Awarded to the attack team:
Shoot at the free throw and get 1 point.
When the ball shoots in the 2-point shooting area, it scores 2 points.
When the ball shoots in the 3-point shooting area, it scores 3 points.
Scoring is like the ball going into the basket.
3 1.3.2 If the defender fouls at the last or only one free throw, the attacker will be awarded 1 point, and then the defender will be punished for technical foul.
Chapter VI Violation of Regulations
Rule 32 Foul
32. 1 Definition
32. 1. 1 In a basketball game, 10 players move quickly in a limited space, and physical contact is inevitable.
32. 1.2 Fouling is a violation of rules, including illegal physical contact with opposing players and/or violation of sports ethics.
32. 1.3 A team can be sentenced to any number of fouls. No matter how many penalties are imposed, every foul of the fouler must be registered, recorded in the record table and punished accordingly.
Article 33 Contract: General Principles
33. 1 cylinder principle
The cylinder principle is defined as a player standing on the ground occupying the space in an imaginary cylinder. It includes the space above the player and is subject to the following restrictions:
The front is made up of palms.
Behind the hips, and
The two sides are formed by the outer sides of the arms and legs.
Hands and arms can be extended to the front of the trunk, and the elbow arms are not bent beyond the position of the feet, so the forearms and hands are raised. The distance between his feet varies with his height. (Figure 5)
33.2 Vertical principle
In the competition, each player has the right to occupy any position (cylinder) on the field that is not occupied by the other player.
This principle protects the ground space occupied by a player and the space above him when he takes off vertically in this space.
Once a player leaves his vertical position (cylinder) and makes physical contact with the opposing player who has established his own vertical position (cylinder), the player who leaves his vertical position (cylinder) is responsible for this contact.
The defender leaves the ground vertically (in his cylinder) or stretches his hands and arms over him in his own cylinder without punishment.
Offenders, whether on the ground or in the air, should not contact defenders in legal defensive positions in the following ways.
Use your arms to create extra space for yourself.
Stretch his feet or arms to make contact when shooting or just after shooting.
33.3 Legal defensive position
In the following cases, the defense lawyer has established the initial legal defense position:
He faced his opponent, and
His foot touched the ground.
The legal defensive position extends vertically above him (cylinder), from the ground to the ceiling. He can raise his arms and hands above his head or jump vertically, but he must keep his arms and hands vertical in an imaginary cylinder.
33.4 Defensive ball control players
The factors of time and distance are not applicable when defending the players who control the ball (holding the ball or holding the ball).
Whenever the opposing player occupies the initial legal defensive position in front of the ball holder (even for an instant), the ball holder must expect to be defended and be prepared to stop or change direction.
Defenders must establish an initial legal defensive position and do not make contact before occupying this position.
Once the defender has established his initial legal defensive position, he can move to defend his opponent, but he must not stretch his arms, shoulders, hips or legs and prevent the dribbler from passing him by doing so.
The referee should apply the following principles when judging that the blocking/collision situation involves the ball-holding player:
The defender must face the player with the ball, land on his feet and establish an initial legal defensive position.
In order to maintain the original legal defensive posture, the defender can stand still, take off vertically, move sideways or move backwards.
In the action of maintaining the original legal defensive posture, one foot or both feet can leave the ground instantly, as long as the action is lateral or backward, not towards the player holding the ball.
Contact must occur on the torso, in which case the defender will be considered to reach the contact point first.
A defender who has established a legal defensive position can turn around in his cylinder to alleviate any collision or avoid injury.
In any of the above cases, the player holding the ball shall be regarded as a foul.
33.5 Defensive players who don't control the ball
Players who don't control the ball have the right to move freely on the court and occupy any position that is not occupied by other players.
When defending players who don't control the ball, the factors of time and distance should be applied. A defender cannot get so close to and/or occupy a position on the path of a moving opponent so quickly that the latter does not have enough time or distance to stop or change his direction.
This distance is directly proportional to the defender's speed, not less than the normal 1 step, nor more than the normal 2 steps.
If the defender makes contact with the opposing team without paying attention to the factors of time and distance when occupying the initial legal defensive position, then he will be responsible for this contact.
Once the defender has established his initial legal defensive position, he can move to defend the opposing team. He can't stretch his arms, shoulders, hips or legs to prevent the opposing team from overtaking him. He can turn around in his cylinder, or put his arm in front of him and close to his body to avoid injury.
33.6 Vacant players
Players who jump into the air from a certain place on the court have the right to fall back to their original place again.
He has the right to land in another place on the field, as long as the direct passage between the landing point and the landing point is not occupied by the opposing team during takeoff.
If a player has jumped and landed, but his momentum makes him contact with an opposing player who occupies a legal defensive position outside the landing place, the jumping player is responsible for such contact.
When a player jumps into the air, the opposing player cannot move to his path.
It is usually against sportsmanship to move and make contact under a player who is in the air, and in some cases it may be a disqualification foul.
33.7 Cover: Legal and Illegal.
Cover refers to trying to delay or prevent the opposing player from reaching the desired position on the field without the ball.
Legal cover refers to the player who covers the opponent:
It is stationary (in his cylinder) when it touches.
Touch the ground with your feet.
Illegal cover refers to the player who covers the opponent:
It moves when it touches.
When contact occurs, it is out of the sight of the stationary opponent and does not give enough distance.
When contact occurs, the factors of time and distance are not taken seriously by the moving opponent.
If you cover in the field of vision (front or side) of a stationary opponent, the cover player can approach the opponent at will, as long as there is no contact.
If you cover out of sight of a stationary opponent, the cover player must allow the opponent to take a step towards the cover without contact.
If the opponent is moving, the factors of time and distance should apply. The cover player must leave enough space so that the covered player can avoid the cover by stopping or changing direction.
The required distance shall not be less than the normal 1 step, nor greater than the normal 2 steps.
Any contact with the player who has established a cover is the responsibility of the player who legally covers it.
33.8 hit people
Collision is an illegal physical contact, in which players with or without the ball push or move to the opponent's torso.
33.9 blocking
Blocking is illegal physical contact, which prevents opposing players from moving with or without the ball.
If a player trying to cover comes into contact with a stationary or retreating opponent while moving, he commits a blocking foul.
If a player ignores the ball, faces the opposing player and moves his position with the movement of the opposing player, unless other factors are involved, he is mainly responsible for any contact that occurs.
The so-called "unless there are other factors" means that the covered players deliberately push, bump and pull people.
When a player occupies a position on the court, it is legal to extend his arm or elbow out of the cylinder. But when the opposing team tries to pass the ball, they must be moved into his cylinder. If the arm or elbow is outside and in contact with his round body, it is blocking or pulling.
33. 10 Touch the opposing team members with hands and/or arms.
Touching an opposing player with your hand is not necessarily a foul.
The referee should judge whether the player who caused the contact has obtained illegitimate interests. If the contact caused by one player restricts the freedom of movement of the opposing player in any way, this contact is a foul.
When the defender is in the defensive position, his hand or arm is placed on the opponent with or without the ball and keeps in touch to hinder his progress, illegal hand or arm extension occurs.
With or without the ball, repeatedly touching or "poking" the opposing team member is a foul, because it will lead to a rough game.
This is an offensive player's foul with the ball;
"Hook" or entangle defenders with arms or elbows to gain illegitimate interests.
To prevent the defender from defending or trying to grab the ball, or to create more space between him and the defender, "push" the defender.
When dribbling, use an outstretched forearm or hand to prevent the opponent from controlling the ball.
It is a foul for an attacker who doesn't hold the ball to "push" the defender for the following reasons:
Get rid of it and catch it.
Stop the defender from defending or trying to grab the ball.
Create more space between him and the defenders.
33. 1 1 center coordination
The vertical principle (cylinder principle) is applicable to central coordination.
The attacker in the middle position and the defender defending him must respect each other's right of vertical position (cylinder).
An attacker or defender in the middle position pushes the opponent out of the position with his shoulders or hips, or obstructs the opponent's free movement with his outstretched elbows, arms, knees or other parts of his body, which is a foul.
33. 12 illegal defense behind the scenes
Illegal defense behind the back means that the defender makes physical contact with his opponent from behind. The fact that the defender tried to grab the ball does not justify touching the opposing team from behind.
33. 13 pulling people
Pulling people is illegal physical contact, which interferes with the freedom of movement of the opposing team members. This contact can occur in any part of the body.
33. 14 push people
Pushing is illegal physical contact when a player forcibly moves or tries to move an opponent who controls or does not control the ball with any part of his body.
Article 34 Personal foul
34. 1 Definition
A personal foul is a foul in which a player contacts an opposing player, whether the ball is alive or dead.
A player should not stretch his hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, hips, legs, knees or feet to pull, block, push, bump, trip or stop the opponent's progress; And his body should not be bent into an "abnormal" posture (beyond his cylinder); Nor should we indulge in any rude or violent behavior.
34.2 fine
Individual fouls should be registered for the foulers.
34.2. 1 If the player who does not shoot is fouled:
The non-foul team threw the ball into the field nearest to the foul and started the game again.
If the offending team is in the state of team foul punishment, Article 4 1 (Team foul: punishment) shall apply.
34.2.2 If a player who is shooting is fouled, he will get the following free throws:
If the shot is successful, it is necessary to count the scores and reward 1 extra free throws.
If the shot from the 2-point shooting area is unsuccessful, two free throws should be awarded.
If shooting from the 3-point shooting area is unsuccessful, you should be awarded 3 free throws.
A player is fouled when the clock signal rings at the end of the game or soon, or when the equipment signal rings for 24 seconds or soon. At this point, the ball is still in the player's hand and the shot is successful. No points, two or three free throws.
Article 35 Both sides foul.
35. 1 Definition
A foul on both sides is when two opposing players commit a personal foul on each other at about the same time.
35.2 fine
35.2. 1 A personal foul should be registered for each player who fouls. No punishment will be given.
35.2.2 If both sides commit a foul at the same time and the situation is different, the game will be restarted as follows:
If the shot is valid, or the penalty is the last or only one score, the ball should be awarded to the team that must throw the ball from anywhere on the finish line.
A team has the control of the ball, or the right to the ball, so it should be awarded to throw the ball in the most illegal place.
Both sides have no control of the ball and no right to the ball, and a jump ball occurs.
Article 36 Fouls against sports ethics
36. 1 Definition
36. 1. 1 According to the referee's judgment, it is illegal for a player to try to grab the ball directly within the spirit and intention of the rules, and it is against sports ethics to touch the foul.
36. 1.2 A foul against sportsmanship must be consistently explained throughout the game.
The referee can only judge the action.
36. 1.4 To judge whether a foul violates sports ethics, the referee shall apply the following principles:
It's against sportsmanship if a player doesn't try to grab the ball and touch it.
If a player makes excessive contact (a serious foul) when trying to grab the ball, such contact should be judged as a violation of sports ethics.
If a player fouls when trying to steal the ball legally (normally), it is not against sportsmanship.
36.2 fine
36.2. 1 A foul against sportsmanship should be registered for the offending player.
36.2.2 The penalty shall be awarded to the player who commits a foul, and then:
Throw the ball into the court on the extension line of the midfield opposite the record table.
Jump ball in the middle circle, start 1 segment.
The number of free throws is as follows:
If a player who doesn't shoot is fouled, he should be awarded two free throws.
If the player who is shooting is fouled: If the shooting scores, a penalty of 1 is awarded.
If the player who is shooting is fouled, there is no score: 2 or 3 free throws should be awarded.
Article 37 disqualification foul
37. 1 Definition
37. 1. 1 Any player, substitute, expelled player, coach, assistant coach or team member who violates sports ethics is disqualified from the competition.
37. 1.2 When a player is registered for two fouls against sportsmanship, the player shall also be disqualified.
37. 1.3 A coach should also be disqualified under the following circumstances:
When he was recorded for two technical fouls for violating sports ethics.
Because a team player (assistant coach, substitute player or player) violates sports ethics, he is recorded with three technical fouls ('B') or a combination of three technical fouls, one of which is when the coach himself ('C') is recorded.
37. 1.4 If an athlete or coach is disqualified under the circumstances of 37. 1.2 or 37. 1.3, only a foul or technical foul that violates sports ethics will be punished. There will be no additional penalty for disqualification.
37. 1.5 The coaches who have been disqualified are replaced by assistant coaches registered on the record form. If there is no assistant coach on the record, the team leader should take over.
37.2 fine
37.2. 1 Violators will be disqualified.
37.2.2 He should be disqualified from the competition and occupy the team lounge and stay there during the competition, or he can choose to leave the gymnasium.
37.2.3 Punishment shall be given to:
Any opposing player, non-contact foul.
As far as contact foul is concerned, the fouled player.
Throw the ball into the boundary on the extension line of the center line opposite the recording table.
Jump ball in the middle circle, start 1 segment.
37.2.4 The number of free throws is as follows:
If a player who doesn't shoot is fouled, or it is a technical foul, he should be sentenced to two free throws.
If the player who is shooting is fouled, if he hits the basket, he should score and be sentenced to 1 free throw.
If a player who is shooting is fouled and does not score, he should be awarded 2 or 3 free throws.
Article 38 technical foul
38. 1 code of conduct
38. 1. 1 The proper behavior of the game requires perfect and sincere cooperation between the players of both sides (players, substitutes, coaches, assistant coaches and players) and the referees, recorders and technical representatives.
38. 1.2 Every team should try its best to win, but the victory must meet the requirements of sports ethics and fair competition.
38. 1.3 Any intentional or repeated failure to cooperate with or comply with the spirit of these Rules shall be regarded as a technical foul.
38. 1.4 The referee can stop technical fouls by warning or even forgiving those minor technical fouls that are obviously unintentional and do not directly affect the game, unless the same situation occurs repeatedly after warning.