Is homosexuality really born? If so, it will be good news for homosexuals who are satisfied with their own inclinations; But for those who have homosexual tendencies but are not satisfied with the status quo and try to change themselves, this is a bad consumption, which means that they will not be able to successfully change their tendencies. We must understand that not all homosexuals are satisfied with their situation. There are quite a few homosexuals who want to change themselves but don't know where to start, and the statement that homosexuality is born may be a heavy blow to these people. In other words, the conclusion that "homosexuality is innate" has not brought a consistent response to homosexuals, but "some people are happy and others are sad".
A few days ago, scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists were having a heated debate about the causes of homosexuality. One thing is certain, the conclusion that homosexuality is born remains to be scientifically proved. What I want to put forward here is that even if scientists can clearly prove that homosexuality is born, does that mean that homosexuals have to live a homosexual life and live according to their own inclinations?
We know that man is not a machine, but an animal with moral norms and willpower. In my opinion, even if the research shows that homosexuality is innate, we can't indulge our lust as we please. Because it is not genes that determine a person's behavior, but willpower. We can't think that something is natural, right, unnecessary and unchangeable just because it is born. For example, we are born with disabilities. Can we refuse to overcome our disabilities and become useful social people because we are born with disabilities? The answer is definitelyno. If disabled people can overcome the obstacles they face, although it is not an easy thing, they can finally benefit the crowd like normal people. I have read many books about how disabled people successfully overcome physical obstacles. Of course, disability is different from homosexuality. The former is a physical problem, while the latter is a psychological problem. I give this example just to tell you that we can't take a negative attitude just because something is born. Even if we are born, we can still surpass it.