Xiuzhu Tanluan, sandwiched in the pool, whirled around the Tuyuan, parallel to the Road, near Yan Guang, long and redundant, so it is located in Kunlun. It looks like the Western Hills. The western hills are full of pity, the roads are tortuous and the rocks are rugged. Violence stimulates and raises dust; Snake dragon play, thin bamboo tree. The wind is blowing, the autumn wind is blowing and there are people everywhere. The clouds are soaring, the branches and leaves are littered, and they are gearing up. Sand and gravel in the valley, waves boiling in the sun, river flooding in the east, lingering. Hair is cloudy and Fifi, very confused. Kunji salamander, Cang Geng near, other birds away from each other, groaning in it. If a nest of warblers is scattered on the martyrs, it will be as beautiful as flying snow. Looking to the west of Xishan, there are wild pigeons of mountain magpies, egrets, jade birds and Dai Sheng, who keeps dogs, hiding in the nest branches and surrounded by ponds, hearing each other's voices, leaving their beaks and tails flying in the crowd, touching each other's necks and wings. It's not reasonable to give it to the nether world.
Therefore, in late spring and early summer, the beauty of Xiangyang in Handan and its ornaments blend with each other. The horses and chariots are connected, and the square wheels are staggered, so they are in charge and wearing a title. Self-improvement, eager to try, meaning but not hair, because of cloudy, impatient, tunnel forest and river, anger is not exhausted, feather cover rises, covered by red foam, falling like rain. High-level swallows, long swords and idle swallows, left swallows and right swallows. When the sun moves, the music weakens. Visit the West Garden, become a palace, and have lush foliage. You choose skilled, take the mouth, take the second place, and follow the instructions. So take your time, fighting cocks and walking rabbits, pitching and shooting, suffering and baking, and being in bliss until dusk.
If it's a woman picking mulberries in her husband's suburb, then she's wrong. She has long hair on her sleeves, and she can still count on it. She's friendly and enthusiastic. She's not married yet, and she's ready to have it. She can't stand it. So the woman said first: "The sun is shining in spring, and talents are worried. Jia Kexi can't go home, mulberries are dying, and silkworms are hungry. "
This garden prose is the earliest extant ancient garden prose, which was written by the author following Liu Wushi, the king of Liang Dynasty. In the Western Han Dynasty, Dou Taihou's youngest son, Liu Wu, was deeply loved, with more jewels than palaces. In the feudal palace of Dazhi, he once "built the East Garden, covering more than 300 Li in Fiona Fang". Life is extravagant and extravagant. "It's about hunting, and it's about the son of heaven." And he is good at attracting handsome tourists from all over the world. This paper describes the landscape scenery of the Tuyuan and the warm scene of the host and guest enjoying themselves.
Tuyuan is commonly known as bamboo garden. The first thing that jumps into your eyes is the green bamboo in the garden. The opening phrase parallelism shows lush green bamboo from a vast space. The lovely bamboo pruning for protecting the pool is planted on the roadside, around the earth courtyard, and extends to the endless Yuan Ye. It is this kind of bamboo cultivation that constitutes the beautiful realm of the earth institute. The pool water reflects bamboo, which is clear and bottomless, and the reflection is full of spots, and the bamboo water is the same color; The bamboo forests on both sides of the roads in the park are quiet and elegant, with winding paths leading to a secluded place. The earth courtyard is covered with dense branches, evergreen all the year round, and spring all the year round.
Visit the bamboo forest, the scenery is lovely; Looking up at the Western Hills is even more impressive. Then write from bamboo to mountain. The steep western hills rise into the sky, and rocks and peaks rise from the ground. The beauty of the western hills is static and dynamic. When the mountain wind rises, the wind flutters and blows the bamboo forest to make a dragon roar; The water in the valley, wandering around, hits the sand east; Fragrant flowers exude a strong fragrance and diffuse with the wind; All kinds of birds are singing and flying in the jungle like snow. This variety of beauty gives people a variety of beautiful enjoyment, including the sight of fluttering wind, clouds and leaves, the swirling waves of rivers and flowing water, the flying communities of other birds, the symphony of wind, water and birds, and the rich fragrance of flowers. The beauty of Xishan can be said to have been written here, but the author feels particularly inadequate. From the other side of Xishan, he used close-ups to show the lively scene of birds gathering in the west of Xishan. Looking at the Western Hills from the west, it is really a noisy and extraordinary world. Hundreds of birds gather together and sing endlessly. The "mountain magpies, wild doves, egrets, storks, vultures and jade scones" covering the valley fly back and forth. "The sounds are heard, and the birds' mouths are heard." After the front layout, the author uses white clouds as a metaphor and exaggerates for no reason (limit), deliberately rendering. The noise of the western hills and the tranquility of the bamboo forests in the garden set each other off in interest and splendor.
The natural scenery of the Tuyuan is so beautiful that the mood of visiting the park is more pleasant. Next, people are influenced by things and describe the happy scene of the garden. In late spring and early summer, everything is thriving, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, which is a wonderful time to visit the park. The master came to the Tuyuan with attendants, beautiful women and horses, and began a colorful garden life. First of all, the beautiful scenery in the garden strongly attracts them, racing to run, "tunnel the forest and river", running out of water, visiting the park and enjoying the scenery. Just as the party was in full swing, hunting activities began again. They throw their crowns and swords, go into battle lightly, hold bullets in their left hands and whip in their right hands, drive out animals and indulge in pleasure. Only when you relax can you appreciate the garden. After the hunting spree, I came to the West Park, where the grass was flourishing, the guests and the host were accompanied and relaxed. While roaming and enjoying flowers, you can "fight chickens and walk rabbits" and enjoy the hunted game. If wine doesn't make people drunk, everyone will get drunk. Such beautiful scenery and joy make tourists linger, not knowing that dusk is coming.
At this point, the article can end the whole article, but the author can't stop, and instead describes the feelings of the onlookers picking mulberry girls. A beautiful and affectionate mulberry picker, instead of attracting tourists, was attracted by tourists. When she saw the intoxicated scene of the host and guest in the garden, she couldn't help but linger, even ignoring the withered mulberry leaves in the basket and the hunger of silkworms at home. This seems to be a random stroke of writing about Miss Sang, but in fact it is a powerful contrast and strengthens the joy of the garden. This is the same as writing a scene, which is promoted layer by layer, gradually strengthened and full of artistic appeal.
There are many mistakes in the original text of this poem. Judging from the basic content that can be seen, it is natural, realistic, extravagant and full of momentum. This is of pioneering significance in landscape tourism prose. It is not only the earliest existing prose describing gardens, but also a mature landscape tourism treasure that consciously integrates the beauty of nature and life into one furnace for the first time.