Rap [beauty] [`ɡ? b? l】? Speak in a hurry and unclear
Benefit [beauty] [`ɡ enf? Beneficial, beneficial
Deny [beauty] [π, `π] Deny; refute
Galaxy [America] [`ɡ? l? Ksi] galaxy; Galaxy; A group of (outstanding or famous people)
Strong wind, strong wind; Strong wind; Strong wind; A burst of noise
Heroic [beauty] [`ɡ? l? [nt] a. Politeness (to women); Brave, heroic; A. heroic and heroic; Be polite (to women)
Gallery [America] [`ɡ? l? Gallery; Art gallery; Long gallery
Gangster [America] [`ɡst? [thug] thug
Gap [America] [? Gap. Create a gap, create a gap, create a gap, create a gap, open, split, open.
Clothing [beauty] [π?] appearance; Appearance. Dress up; Clothing; dress
Ghana [America] [`ɡɑ rn? ] 5. Stores
Decoration [U.S.] n. /n. decoration (goods); decorate
Crack, crack. Cut off, cut off.
Gasoline [America] [`ɡ? s? , Lin,? s? petrol
Breathe [beauty] [? Sp] vt。 breather
Gao qi [America] [ɡo? Clumsy; Clumsy; Rude
Rules [beauty] [ɡed? Thickness, diameter, measuring instrument, specification, measuring instrument, caliber, code, fact, basis, scale, standard, volume, capacity, range, size vt. Measure, estimate, measure, judge, measure the size of ... make it conform to the standard, correct, adjust and distinguish.
Gaze at [beauty] [?ez] vi. /n。
Gear [America] [? Gear (of a car, etc); Gears and transmission devices; Device v. start
Gemstone [America] [DM] n. Gemstone, jewelry; ] Precious stones, beloved
General [America] [`dn? r? l】? A. general, general; A. ordinary; General; General; common
General [America] [dn? r? Li v. broad and general
Generate [USA] [`dn? ,ret] vt。
Generous [America] [dn? r? S] a. generous, generous; generosity
Generously [America] [dn? r? sl? Broad-minded
Dear [America] [`d? inj? L] a. Kindness; Kindness; Cheerful and good-tempered; A. Kindness, kindness and gentleness
Genre [beauty] [`? ɑnr? Theme, style
Upper-class [beauty] [until] educated; Elegant; high/polite society
Tender [beauty] [no? l? Ti] educated; graceful
People of high society, gentlemen. noble family
Genuine [America] [`dnju? real
Geometry [beauty] [d? Me? 3] Geometry
Germination [America] [`dm? Net] v. (make) sprout; Start to grow; Germination, development
Gibe [America] [d? Answer? b]? Laugh at; laugh
Gilde [America] [? ld】? Gold plating; Literary decoration, false decoration; gild
Belt [beauty] [`ɡ? Belt. Tie (wrap) with a belt; Belt, belt, belt
Point, point
Glacier [America] [lel] Glacier, glacier; Icy, glacial
Charm [beauty] [`ɡ l? m? ] charm, attraction; Charm, charm.
Charming [beauty] [`ɡ l? m? r? S] a. attractive and attractive; Charming, charming
Glare at [beauty] [`ɡ l? Dazzled; Dazzling; A. dazzling; obvious
Glaze [?lez] to make smooth and glazed.
Flash ['flash] n.flash; flash; flash
Collect (news, information, intelligence, etc.). ); Fifth, understanding; collect
Cheerful [beauty] [`ɡ lif? L] and happy, excited; happy
Glide [America] [ɡla? run away
Dim ['dim] a. dim? ; A. gloomy; Depression; Depression; sadder
Glory [beauty] [`ɡ l? ri? S, `ɡ lor-] A. Glory; Brilliant; A. glory; Magnificent; Pleasant, excellent
Vocabulary [beauty] [`ɡ l? s? , `ɡ l ɑ s? -] n. glossary; vocabulary
Gloss [beauty] [`ɡ l? America is smooth and shiny
Bite [beauty] [n? Bite [bite]
George [America] [? rd? wolf down
Gorgeous [beautiful] [` ɡ? Gorgeous, good
Gossip [beauty] [`ɡɑs? P] n. a gossip, a gossip; Chatting; Spread gossip
Government [America] [`ɡ? v? Decide, dominate and control
Grab [beauty] [r? Hold on, hold on
Friendly [America] [`res] international. Express surprise; A. modesty and courtesy; Be merciful; graceful
Big [beautiful] [?r? Grand, grand
Understand [beauty] [?r? understand
Gratitude [beauty] [` ɡretf? L] gratitude; Express gratitude; A. gratitude, gratitude; happy
Satisfy [beauty] [`ɡ r? t? 、fa? ] 5. Satisfaction; Please be satisfied
Gratitude [beauty] [`ɡ r? t? Tud,-,tjid] grateful; Grateful, grateful, grateful
Free [America] [?r? "eh? t? s,-`tju-] adj。
Gravity [beauty] [`ɡ r? v? Ti] n. gravity, significant; Gravitation; Serious; Gravity, gravity; Solemn and serious; serious
Animal fat
Greasy ['greasy] a. greasy.
Avaricious ['avaricious] a. greedy; A. greed; Greedy; yearn for
Gregarious [America] [R? `ɡ? ri? Gregarious, gregarious
Grievance [beauty] [`ɡ River? Dissatisfied
Make sad [beautiful] [] v. (make) sad; Mourn; Create sadness, create sadness
Sad [beautiful] [VD] sad
Research [beauty] [?ra? Nd] vt。 Grinding, torturing, squeezing and polishing
Hold [beauty] [r? p]? Hold on. /n compact; Master, control; Persistence; Persistence; Insist. Master; Understand; understand
Feel about [beauty] [Rop] v. Feel about (a road, etc). ); Feel, explore
Grotti [America] [`Rorty]? Unhappy, angry
Resentment [beauty] [?r? d? Dissatisfied, resentful, jealous. Reluctant to give, unwilling to do; Be stingy with malice, resentment, jealousy
Grumpy [beautiful] [`ɡ r? mb? complain
Grumpy [beautiful] [`ɡ r? short-tempered
Ensure [beauty] [, r? find out
Simple [beauty] [`ɡ a? ll? Not cunning, honest
Chance [America] [ɡa? Appearance ['appearance] n.
Spit out [beauty] [π] v. Cause to gush out; Spitting out.